Betty White's last message to her fans
Legendary Betty White recorded a message for fans just 10 days before her tragic death

Legendary Betty White recorded a message for fans just 10 days before her tragic death.
Her close friends and famous fans such as Ryan Reynolds, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, and many others will also participate in the documentary about the adored actress.
One of the most respected qualities of legendary actress Betty White was that she truly adored her fans. The star died just half a month before her 100th birthday, and a few days before made a video for her fans.
In an interview with ET, producer Steve Boettcher, who is working on the documentary Betty White: A Celebration, spoke candidly about her attitude towards his fans.
- On December 20th, she made a short video. It was kind of a message for her fans who would be with her at her 100th birthday party. She filmed it just 10 days before she passed away, Boettcher said.
He added that White specifically dressed up for a video in which she thanked her fans who have watched her for over 80 years.
- She looked amazing. She loved to dress up and when she put on makeup and did her hair, she was absolutely gorgeous. She smiled and really genuinely wanted to thank fans from the bottom of her heart for all those years of support - the producer described the video message.
A documentary about the actress titled 'Betty White: A Celebration' is coming out soon. The 900 US cinemas will show it on January 17 when the actress was due to celebrate her jubilee 100th birthday.
- I think she was happy and a real optimist. She will also show you in the film that she had an amazing view of the life that has followed her throughout her career, but also in private, he added.
The film was originally supposed to be part of a birthday party she didn't experience, so the film's directors will change the focus of the film a little bit. It will no longer be a birthday movie, but a documentary in honor of the actress and her long career. Boettcher thus said he would portray a side of White that fans had rarely seen.
Although it has always been open, the film will show its sincere and private side.
- I'm amused that the movie shows her quiet side. Betty at home, Betty with a few friends, Betty with the animals and it shows the other side of her that we rarely see. Away from the stage and the spotlight, but still the Betty we all know and love. What I love most about her is her honesty, and that's something she couldn't fake. She was honest with her fans, colleagues and everyone, I think that's why she was so loved - he said honestly.
He also addressed her career in conversation. In fact, he said celebrities are often 'lost' in their fame, while she saw her popularity as an honor.
- I'd say she saw some actors inaccessible herself, so she didn't want to be like that. She started her career on small screens, on TV, and it felt like every week families were inviting her to their home. They watched Hot in Cleveland or Golden Girls, invited her to their home. She saw it as a special honor. Like when your favorite aunt or grandmother comes to your home. She appreciated it - he recalled talking to the actress.
Betty White won an Emmy Award five times, Oprah Winfrey called her a national treasure, and broke the Guinness Record for a longest acting career as a female actress on small screens.