Bizarre diet of Marilyn Monroe

Hollywood diva Marilyn Monroe practiced a diet that many considered bizarre.

Jun 4, 2022 - 15:16
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Bizarre diet of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was considered an icon of beauty. One of the most beautiful Hollywood divas of all time proudly walked her curves and never tired of exercise and dieting. 

Marilyn Monroe was about 160 centimeters tall, varied between 50 and 60 kilograms and proudly pointed out her curves. She was the first woman in Hollywood that talked about her diet, in an article published in 1952 in Pageant magazine entitled ‘How I Stay Fit’. 

‘Honestly, I never considered my figure special, until recently I rarely thought about it,’ Merlin said at the time. She also admitted that she is not a sports guy, but that she has a certain daily routine.

'I've never bothered to exercise. Now I work out with small weights for at least ten minutes every morning. I have developed my exercises for muscles that I want to keep strong and I know they are good for me because I feel them activating my muscles while I exercise, ' said the actress.

She didn't bother with diets either. She loved eggs and meat, and she discovered a recipe for a magic potion she drank every morning, which gave her energy and vitality.

‘They told me my diet was absolutely bizarre, but I don’t think so. Every morning before I go to the shower I heat a glass of milk. When it is warm I add two raw eggs, mix with a fork and drink while getting dressed. I drink it with vitamins and I doubt that doctors could recommend a more nutritious breakfast for a busy girl who is always in a hurry, ' she said.

Her main meal was dinner, and at the end of the day, she loved to sweeten herself with ice cream.

'Every night I stop by the market near the hotel and take a steak, lamb chops or liver that I bake in the oven. I usually eat four or five raw carrots with meat and that’s it. I never get bored of raw carrots. I guess it's good to eat a little during the day because in recent months I've gotten into the habit of stopping by the patisserie when I come back from acting classes.' Marilyn said.

Today, experts would probably be horrified by this way of eating, and they would object to her eating raw eggs, so much meat and sweets. But nutritionist Hala El Shafie praises the actress' diet and he is convinced she would be horrified to see what all today's stars are subjecting their bodies to.

‘Marilyn ate healthy, unprocessed food and her diet was based on common sense. She did not skip meals, so she provided the body with a balanced amount of protein, and she did not avoid being rewarded with a treat, 'said Hala El Shafie.