Delicious snack made from potato peelings!

So far, you have cleaned the potatoes a million times and thrown away the peel. Don't throw it away anymore, because it can be used for a great snack.

May 18, 2022 - 14:00
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Delicious snack made from potato peelings!

So far, you have cleaned the potatoes a million times and thrown away the peel. Don't throw it away anymore, because it can be used for a great snack. You need some spices and something you want to dip into. It is a better substitute for chips because it is healthier and crunches in the mouth. We have suggested tricks for dipping, and here you can read how it is made. 


  • peel of 5-6 potatoes
  • pinch of salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian spices or dried oregano
  • sour cream or dipping sauce


  1. Wash the potatoes well and peel them. 
  2. Dry the crust nicely and cut it into strips or the shape you want. 
  3. Pour oil, spices and potatoes into the bowl, and mix well. 
  4. Fry in the oven or pan.