DRASTIC WEIGHT LOSS: The incredible transformation of Schwarzenegger's son who has always been in hiding
Christopher Schwarzenegger has shown drastic weight loss, and his father Arnold makes no secret of how proud he is of his son.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his powerful muscles, but his son Christopher could not boast of an enviable build for a long time.
Contrary to the famous father, he was for years struggling with excess weight, but it seems that he decided to change something, and it seems, according to the new photographs, to have paid off.
Christopher was filmed in a salon where he enjoyed a pedicure with his mother Maria Shriver and sister Christina.
Dad Arnold also boasted about his transformation on social media, telling him that he was very proud of him.
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‘I love you and I am proud of you every day. You are very smart and you have such a big heart. Between your boxing workouts, weight training, stretching, cycling workouts, even I can’t follow you. I can't wait to see what you will achieve this year ', he wrote a few days ago in a birthday card for his son.
By: Amber V. - Gossip Whispers