Feng shui tips for using green in your home
The feng shui theory of the five elements brings the color green into direct connection with the element of wood

There are many ways you can use green in feng shui to encourage personal growth and development. Whether you use live plants, green decor, or jewelry, you can tap into the positive energy that the color green not only symbolizes but also attracts. Regardless of whether you are a fan of this color or not, one thing cannot be denied - it has always been associated with positive energy and new possibilities.
The feng shui theory of the five elements brings the color green into direct connection with the element of wood, which normally rules the eastern and southeastern sectors of the home - the one in charge of health, happiness, and wealth. If you want to use green in your home or office to stimulate your happiness, a good idea would be walls in a lighter shade of this color. Also, feel free to imitate nature by creating decor that uses a mixture of light, medium, and dark green colors. This combination of green shades will indicate growth and progress in the areas of health and wealth.
Another way to bring this color into the home is green plants that also belong to the element of wood. In other words, whenever you add a plant to your home, you directly activate the wood element of that sector. This combination gives more power and energy to your feng shui settings and is highly recommended. Green is the color of money, and several feng shui plants are the ultimate symbols of wealth: lucky bamboo, money tree, and jade tree, and all rooms located in the east, southeast, or south sectors are great candidates for green living plants (except bedrooms!)
You can add a touch of calm to the living room as it is the part of your home that generates high yang energy. If your living room is not in the east, southeast, or south sector, you can still use green. An east, southeast, or south wall can be painted green as an accent color or you can simply introduce some green through artwork, textiles, or decorations.
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Your kitchen is another room where you can add green to align with feng shui principles. In other words, the sector in which your kitchen is located should always be considered more carefully when it comes to adding colors. Green can be used as an accent color here, which means that you can freely add some freshness to the east, southeast, or south wall in the kitchen.
If your bedroom is in the east, southeast, or south sector of happiness, you can use green as the main color in your color palette. You can add a secondary color such as light brown to complete the design of your bedroom.
Post by: Rinna James