Incredibles 2' (2018)

Incredibles 2 is a 2018 animated superhero film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Brad Bird. The movie is a sequel to the highly acclaimed 2004 film, The Incredibles. Incredibles 2 picks up immediately where the first movie left off, with the superhero family of Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack fighting against the villainous Underminer. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what makes Incredibles 2 such a great movie.

Apr 7, 2023 - 10:37
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Incredibles 2' (2018)

The Storyline

Incredibles 2 follows the superhero family as they try to balance their everyday lives with their superhero responsibilities. When Elastigirl is recruited by a wealthy businessman to promote superheroes and combat public perception, Mr. Incredible takes on the role of stay-at-home dad, struggling to manage the kids and his own insecurities. Meanwhile, a new villain known as Screenslaver threatens the city, leading the family to come together once again to save the day. The storyline is engaging and well-paced, with plenty of action and humor throughout.

The Characters

The Incredibles family is one of the most beloved groups of characters in animated movie history, and Incredibles 2 only cements their place in our hearts. Mr. Incredible is as lovable and relatable as ever, struggling with his own self-doubt and insecurities. Elastigirl takes on a more prominent role in this movie, proving to be a strong and capable leader. Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack all have their own moments to shine, and the addition of new characters like Winston Deavor and Evelyn Deavor adds depth and complexity to the story.

The Animation

As with all Pixar movies, the animation in Incredibles 2 is nothing short of spectacular. The attention to detail in the character models, the design of the city, and the various environments is truly impressive. The action scenes are especially well-done, with dynamic camera work and stunning special effects. The movie also features a range of new superhero characters with their own unique powers, each of which is visually distinct and memorable.

The Themes

Incredibles 2 tackles a range of themes, from the struggles of balancing work and family to the dangers of excessive screen time. The movie also explores the concept of heroism and what it means to be a hero in a modern society. These themes are woven seamlessly into the story, adding depth and nuance to the already engaging plot.

The Soundtrack

The score for Incredibles 2, composed by Michael Giacchino, is as memorable and exciting as the rest of the movie. The score features plenty of callbacks to the first movie, while also introducing new themes and motifs. The standout track, "Track 11", is a thrilling piece of music that perfectly captures the spirit of the movie's action scenes.

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Incredibles 2 is a worthy sequel to the original Incredibles movie, building on the strengths of the first film while also introducing new characters and themes. The storyline is engaging, the characters are lovable and well-developed, and the animation and soundtrack are top-notch. Whether you're a fan of superhero movies or just great animated movies in general, Incredibles 2 is a must-see.