Interesting things from the world of rock and roll

Something about the famous Beatles that you might not know...

Jan 15, 2023 - 07:47
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Interesting things from the world of rock and roll

After their initial success, they began seeking a new name.

Many people are aware that The Beatles began their career as The Quarrymen.

Of course, they were absolutely anonymous at the time.

After their initial triumphs, they began seeking a new name.

So Lennon proposed the name "Johnny and the Moon Dogs," but the name "Silver Beetles" remained popular. Then in August 1960, they eliminated the "silver" one and became "The Beatles".

It's worth noting that the term "Beatle" didn't even exist in the English language prior to then. However, when pronounced, it sounds similar to the word beetle - bug - and is related to the phrase beatnik.

Herb Kahn's column in the "San Francisco Chronicle" on April 2, 1958, used the term "beatnik," while Jack Kerouac coined the phrase "beat generation" in 1948.

Dezo Hoffman, the first photographer for The Beatles, was born in Prague at the turn of the century and served as the personal photographer for Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, and the entire London scene at the time. He is the one who has taken the most celebrity shots of Liverpool's top four.

Lennon dedicated the song "Dear Prudence" to the sister of actress Mia Farrow.

Two other interesting aspects of this composition are that John played the guitar in the manner that Donovan had shown him, and the split with their guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to whom they went at the suggestion of George Harrison, occurred when Lennon realized that, in addition to transcendental meditation, the yogi is also very interested in sexual meditation, specifically with the Farrow sisters who were with them at the time.

Perhaps the odd Beatles myth is that of Paul McCartney's claimed death, which goes something like this: on November 19, 1966, on his way back from a recording session at the studio, about 5 a.m., Paul McCartney was killed in a vehicle accident.

However, the production companies, who were prepared for anything, mysteriously covered up the whole affair and immediately recruited a doppelgänger to replace Paul. William Campbell, a Scot, is nearly identical to the renowned Beatles.

However, the public became suspicious, so the lads from The Beatles began growing their mustaches, beards, and hair to cover everything up as much as possible.

At first, not much attention was paid to that news, but as the years passed, more and more people became convinced that McCartney was indeed long dead, and all of this to such an extent that a whole movement was born, if that's what we can call it, and which has gained numerous supporters who will try in any way to obtain evidence to support such a story.

And thus, whether consciously or unintentionally, only the Beatles' later records were marked with specific signs that fueled it all, and in that sense, they were truly evil, so they exploited it all for an ironic, more or less openly ridiculing purpose.

A saluting hand can be seen above Paul's head on the legendary "Sgt Pepper" album cover, symbolizing his departure, while in one of the interior photos, McCartney is wearing a badge with the abbreviation OPD (officially pronounced dead), and if you look at the back of the album, he is the only one with his back turned.

Many more people, however, were captivated by the renowned "Abbey Road" album cover, on which only Paul is barefoot and, much more intriguing, he is holding a cigarette in his right hand, despite the fact that everyone knows he is left-handed.

And that, combined with the reports of his demise, prompted many to begin "digging" through their images, TV shows, covers, and songs...

Everyone wanted to contribute, or rather, everyone wanted to be the one who would provide convincing evidence of the "hidden plot".

Of course, much of the "evidence" had flimsy explanations, but there were several that we could envision.

If the composition "Revolution 9" is played backward, the words "turn me on dead man" is said to be heard, along with screeching automobile tires.

At the end of the song "Strawberry Fields," you may hear the words "nothing is true, I buried Paul" sung in English.

"Paul is dead, we'll miss him," at the end of "I'm So Tired," and the composition "Yesterday" is more than "dubious" because of the lyric "I don't know half of what I used to be"...

Asked about all this, Paul (or perhaps his double), replied:

"Dead? Me? So why didn't anyone tell me until now"?

Post by Bryan C.