Why is it impossible to create a great Rock and Roll song

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Why is it impossible to create a great Rock and Roll song

A time when a rock band functioned as a family...

Interesting things from the world of rock and roll

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

Interesting things from the world of rock and roll

Something about the famous Beatles that you might not know...

Stories about the songs - The Beatles

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Stories about the songs - The Beatles

An interesting detail that connects these two songs.

The scene with the elderly John Lennon delighted many

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

The scene with the elderly John Lennon delighted many

Julian Lennon, the son of the music legend, also gave his opinion about that scene.

The real-life story of Paul McCartney

Photo Credits: shutterstock

The real-life story of Paul McCartney

McCartney's solo career is far longer than the time he spent on stage with John ...

Paul McCartney's new American tour

Photo Credits: shutterstock

Paul McCartney's new American tour

Sir Paul McCartney plans an American concert tour with 14 performances this spri...

Yellow Submarine as the beginning of modern animated films

Photo Credits: Profimedia

Yellow Submarine as the beginning of modern animated films

Without Yellow Submarine we can hardly imagine modern animated films like; The S...