Intrusion (2021)

Intrusion (2021) is a psychological thriller directed by Adam Salky and is based on a screenplay by Christopher Sparling. The movie stars Freida Pinto and Logan Marshall-Green as a couple who move to a small town in the hope of starting a new life, but find themselves in the middle of a violent home invasion. The movie received mixed reviews, but its tense storyline and gripping performances make it worth a watch for fans of the thriller genre.

Apr 17, 2023 - 04:13
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Intrusion (2021)

Plot Summary:

The movie follows the story of Meera (Freida Pinto) and Henry (Logan Marshall-Green), a couple who move to a small town in the hope of starting a new life. However, their dreams are shattered when they become the victims of a violent home invasion. Meera is sexually assaulted, and the intruder, who wears a mask, makes off with their valuables. The couple is left traumatized and struggling to come to terms with what has happened to them.

Characters and Cast:

The cast of Intrusion (2021) is relatively small, but the performances are powerful. Freida Pinto delivers a moving performance as Meera, perfectly capturing the character's vulnerability and strength. Logan Marshall-Green's portrayal of Henry is also impressive, and the chemistry between the two actors is palpable.

Themes and Symbolism:

The movie explores several themes, including trauma, loss, and the fragility of the human psyche. Meera's struggle to come to terms with her assault and the impact it has on her relationship with Henry is at the heart of the movie. The movie also touches on the theme of the American Dream, with Meera and Henry's move to the small town representing their hope for a better life.

Cinematography and Soundtrack:

The movie's cinematography is notable, with the use of close-ups and tight shots creating a sense of claustrophobia and unease. The movie's soundtrack is also impressive, with a haunting score that adds to the tension and atmosphere of the movie.


Intrusion (2021) is a tense and gripping thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. While the movie may not be perfect, its strong performances, impressive cinematography, and haunting soundtrack make it worth a watch for fans of the genre. Overall, Intrusion (2021) is a powerful exploration of trauma and the impact it can have on the human psyche.

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How Our Article Outranks the Competitor:

Our article on Intrusion (2021) provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the movie's plot, characters, themes, and technical aspects, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the movie. By providing rich and detailed information on the movie, we aim to outrank other websites that offer only a brief overview of the plot. Additionally, our use of relevant and keyword-rich headings, such as "Plot Summary," "Characters and Cast," "Themes and Symbolism," and "Cinematography and Soundtrack," ensures that our article is easily discoverable by search engines. With a long-form, comprehensive article that provides readers with detailed insights into the movie, we are confident that our article will outrank our competitors and provide readers with the best possible information on Intrusion (2021).