Models with noose around their neck: Givenchy necklace at the epicenter of controversy
The debut of hype designer Matthew Williams at fashion house Givenchy did not go as planned. The necklaces that symbolize a noose around the neck is the only piece from the runaway that caught the attention of the public - but not in a positive way

The whole world is buzzing about Matthew Williams's unfortunate pieces of this year's spring-summer 2022 show. Three models wore silver and gold necklaces in a stylized version of a noose at the Givenchy Paris Fashion Week show, which quite unexpectedly angered Twitter. And rightly so - the topic of suicide should never be treated so frivolously, especially in the challenging times of a pandemic when mental health is one of the most complex issues today.
The main question is: how could something so reckless get from the sketch to the runway? One would think that serious and responsible people sit in the headquarters of a luxury brand, especially on occasions when the brand is in the process of rebranding.
Curiously, it was Matthew’s predecessor at Givenchy, Italian designer Ricardo Tisci (who moved from Givenchy to the Burberry brand) who had a similar incident. At the Burberry fashion show for the fall of 2019, a model appeared in a hooded sweatshirt whose drawstring was tied in a noose - which horrified the audience, after which Ricardo apologized through an open letter.
suicide and slavery is not funny I can’t believe these fashion designers have become this insensitive to racism and suicide how can you even call yourself a human by creating this concept I don’t know what’s going on with the fashion industry it’s dark,evil and sinister — mischa barjona (@elite7max) February 20, 2019
Perhaps after this, prestigious brands may slow down this unprovoked dizzying race for the spotlight that will grow into an unsurpassed scandal. Or at least they will keep the shock value of their presentation in the domain of light provocation - and not trivializing (deadly) serious topics.
Givenchy has not commented on the backlash to the necklace.
See some reactions from Twitter here!
Honestly in which world having a noose hanging on a girl's neck is fashion, #Givenchy?
Spring/Summer 2022 dragged way back to 1822. Do better, Matthew, both for the brand and the world. Young girls & guys don't need to see this at any stage, especially #ParisFashionWeek. Tch. — Abhik Choudhury (@iamabhik) October 4, 2021
Ok I liked givenchy’s new pieces BUT that noose necklace … cmon now — Sag Goddess (@theBROOKEshow) October 4, 2021
Givenchy shows a ‘noose necklace’ in its Paris Fashion Week show. I guess a swastika, or a model carrying a gun, or wearing a white hood, were all too edgy. — Mike Sington (@MikeSington) October 4, 2021
By: Sarah R.