Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge is a computer-animated comedy movie that was released in 2006. The movie tells the story of a group of animals who wake up from hibernation to find that their forest home has been encroached upon by a suburban neighborhood. The animals, led by a raccoon named RJ, embark on a mission to raid the neighborhood's supply of food in order to prepare for the coming winter. The movie was a commercial success and was praised for its humor, animation, and voice acting.

Apr 10, 2023 - 22:06
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Over the Hedge


The movie begins with a group of animals waking up from hibernation to find that their forest home has been surrounded by a suburban neighborhood. The animals, including a turtle, a squirrel, a skunk, and a porcupine, are wary of the humans and their technology.

RJ, a conniving raccoon, arrives in the forest and convinces the animals to help him raid the neighborhood's supply of food. RJ promises to repay the animals with a wagon full of junk food, which he claims is all they need to survive the winter.

The animals successfully raid the neighborhood's food supply, but they soon discover that RJ had an ulterior motive. RJ was trying to repay a debt to a gangster bear named Vincent by stealing his food, and he needed the animals to help him do it.

The animals confront RJ about his deception, and RJ is forced to come clean about his true intentions. The animals are angry with RJ, but they ultimately forgive him and work together to return the stolen food to Vincent.


RJ - A fast-talking raccoon who convinces the animals to help him raid the neighborhood's food supply.

Verne - A cautious and responsible turtle who is skeptical of RJ's schemes.

Hammy - A hyperactive squirrel who is always looking for a new adventure.

Stella - A skunk who is tough and no-nonsense.

Ozzie - A possum who is obsessed with playing dead.

Vincent - A gangster bear who is feared by all of the animals in the forest.


The movie explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of greed. The characters learn that it is important to work together and to be honest with each other. The movie also addresses the issue of human encroachment on nature and the impact it can have on wildlife.

Animation and Voice Acting

The animation in Over the Hedge is top-notch, with vibrant colors and detailed character designs. The voice acting is also impressive, with a star-studded cast that includes Bruce Willis as RJ, Garry Shandling as Verne, Steve Carell as Hammy, and Wanda Sykes as Stella.


One of the standout features of Over the Hedge is its humor. The movie is filled with witty one-liners and physical comedy that will have both kids and adults laughing out loud. The characters are also well-developed and likable, which makes the humor all the more effective.

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Over the Hedge is a fun and entertaining movie that is sure to delight audiences of all ages. The movie's themes of friendship, loyalty, and honesty are important lessons for both kids and adults, and the humor and animation are top-notch. Overall, Over the Hedge is a must-watch for anyone who loves animated comedies.