Poor Devil: A Devilishly Fun Comedy

Poor Devil is a 1973 comedy film that follows the story of a low-level devil named Lucifer Jr. who is tasked with corrupting a pure and innocent soul in order to earn his horns. Directed by Robert Scheerer and starring Sammy Davis Jr. and Jack Klugman, the film is a lighthearted romp through the underworld that is sure to leave audiences laughing. In this article, we will explore the plot, characters, and themes of Poor Devil in detail.

Apr 28, 2023 - 09:01
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Poor Devil: A Devilishly Fun Comedy

The Plot

The film opens in the underworld, where Lucifer Jr., played by Sammy Davis Jr., is a low-level devil who dreams of earning his horns and rising up the ranks. He is given a chance to do so when his boss, Mr. Van Cleve, assigns him to corrupt the soul of a naive and innocent man named Burnett J. Emerson, played by Jack Klugman. However, things do not go as planned when Lucifer Jr. finds himself growing fond of Burnett and trying to protect him from the other devils who want to see him fail.


The characters in Poor Devil are a delight, each with their own quirks and motivations. Sammy Davis Jr.'s portrayal of Lucifer Jr. is charming and hilarious, with the singer demonstrating his comedic timing and acting skills. Jack Klugman's Burnett J. Emerson is a lovable and innocent man who is easy to root for, while Adam West's portrayal of Mr. Van Cleve is delightfully sinister. Other notable characters include a group of mischievous imps and a devilish love interest named Lilith.


At its core, Poor Devil is a film about the power of friendship and the importance of staying true to oneself. Throughout the film, Lucifer Jr. learns that there is more to life than earning his horns and that true happiness comes from helping others. The film also explores themes of temptation, morality, and redemption, with the character of Burnett serving as a beacon of hope in a world that is often cruel and unforgiving.


Poor Devil is a comedy through and through, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and witty one-liners. The film's humor is both slapstick and clever, with visual gags and clever wordplay that are sure to delight audiences of all ages. From the antics of the mischievous imps to the over-the-top performances of the devilish characters, Poor Devil is a film that is sure to leave audiences smiling.

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Poor Devil may not be a well-known film, but it is a hidden gem of the comedy genre. With its lovable characters, witty humor, and heartwarming themes, the film is a joy to watch from start to finish. Whether you are a fan of classic comedies or simply looking for a lighthearted and fun film to enjoy, Poor Devil is a devilishly good time that is not to be missed.