Primrose flower-decoration and delicious salad!

This plant, in addition to her beauty, is full of vitamins and has a beneficial effect.

May 29, 2022 - 17:53
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Primrose flower-decoration and delicious salad!

Primrose belongs to the Primulaceae family, blooms from mid-February to the end of April, and it can also be grown as an indoor plant. The genus itself includes about 300 species distributed in the temperate and cold zones, as well as in the tropics.

Primrose is a plant with short roots. The leaves are mostly ovate or elongated, and they gradually or abruptly turn into a leaf stalk. They are often hairy, green or white on the back. The flowers are located at the top of the stem in the shape of a thyroid inflorescence. In nature, it grows on glades, forests, and meadows, but due to excessive and irregular harvesting, today it is significantly thinned and its natural habitats are less and less. 

In recent times, the Primrose has been grown very successfully as a horticultural plant, with hundreds of varieties and hybrids mostly originating in China. This plant is undemanding and easy to grow. If you plant it in the yard, garden or on the balcony, the most favorable place for planting is under deciduous trees, where it will get enough light during flowering, and later, when it goes into dormancy, it will have enough moisture and shade. 

To grow in a pot, you need a pot with good drainage and a size that will be adjusted to the rosette of the plant. The soil in which the Primrose is planted should be permeable and moderately moist, so it is necessary to take care when watering that the leaves do not get too wet because that does not suit the plant.

It is recommended that watering be done by immersing the pot in water so that the leaves remain dry. For better progress in their growth and development, Primrose requires rooms with the morning sun in which the temperature does not exceed 18 degrees. In order for new flowers to appear faster, it is necessary to regularly remove overblown parts, and in the period from October to the beginning of flowering, it is desirable to fertilize Primrose with liquid mineral fertilizer for flowering plants, every 15 to 20 days.

It contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, saponins, as well as vitamin C. In addition to the beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, Primrose is part of herbal mixtures that can be useful in treating heart failure, insomnia, migraines, and nervous disorders. In England and the Netherlands, its leaves are used for salads.