Samantha Jones finally "spoke up"!

And just like that, after the first two episodes of the series, actress Kim Cattrall reacted to fan comments for the first time.

Dec 13, 2021 - 08:07
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Samantha Jones finally "spoke up"!

Kim Cattrall is closely following social media as fans of ‘Sex and the City’ continue to share their thoughts on the sequel to the series called ‘And Just Like That’, without one of the most striking characters, Samantha Jones.

The actress, who embodied the very popular character of Samantha Jones, liked several tweets about the new series, especially those related to her decision not to join the re-shooting of the series.

'Kim Cattrall, I'm a big fan of yours. In the reboot Sex and the City, you are constantly mentioned. I support making a decision that is good for you, 'wrote one fan on Twitter and received a like from Kim Cattrall herself.

The 65-year-old actress also liked the tweet of publicist Emily Shapiro, who wrote first ‘Kim Cattrall is not part of the reboot‘ Sex and the City ’.Also after that  "Kim Cattrall has not returned to 'Sex and the City' because her career is finally moving strong,".And this was the third tweet that Kim Cattrall liked.

Viewers learned in the first episode of 'And just like that ...' that her character, Samantha, 'is no longer with us'.

She is not dead, unlike Mr. Big, but she decided to take a job in London after being fired as a publicist for her longtime friend Carrie Bradshaw. Although Carrie seems angry about Samantha's decision to separate the famous four and cross the ocean, she makes it clear that she has contacted her friend several times in the hope that she will smooth things over. Carrie finally 'talks' to Samantha again in the second episode, when Samanta sends her a white coffin arrangement for Mr. Big's funeral and a message: 'With love, Samantha.'

But it’s no secret that the relationship between actresses Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker has been pretty bad for a long time.

Although Kim Cattrall revealed she ‘said no’ to the third movie more than a year before Parker revealed it really wouldn’t happen, she added that she felt her colleague ‘could still be kinder’ to her over the years.

'No one ever picks up the phone and tries to call you and ask,' How are you? ' That would be a good way to get rid of it, 'Cattrall once said, suggesting that Parker is not the only culprit in breaking off a good relationship. 'This seems to be a toxic connection.'