"Triple Frontier" is an action-packed thriller that delves into the world of hig...
Jennifer Lopez's birthday celebration did not go very well.
Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez and actor Ben Affleck tied the knot last weeke...
Ben Affleck moving from DC to Marvel is a fantastic idea.
One of Ben Affleck's habits bothers Jennifer Lopez, and he won't get rid of it.
Ben, Jennifer, and Samuel were together watching luxury cars, wanting to buy som...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck talked about the anonymous message Ben received d...
The Latino diva easily changes her styles day by day and shows that there are no...
Speaking to the participants of the fifth season of reality shows, the rising Am...
After saying "yes" to Ben Affleck for the second time in 18 years, she is simult...
Sienna Miller joked about the lack of chemistry between her and Ben Affleck on t...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck recently announced that they were engaged, and Be...
Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez and actor Ben Affleck gave their love a new ch...
Latino diva Jennifer Lopez has been almost impossible to see without Ben Affleck...
Although the divorce was a painful story for both Ben Affleck and his ex-wife Je...
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were caught in front of a dance studio in Los Ang...