Shock: Amber confessed one more lie!

Amber Heard admitted in court that she did not donate the money she promised to donate to the children's hospital.

May 17, 2022 - 10:15
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Shock: Amber confessed one more lie!

The truth has finally been revealed about whether Amber Heard actually donated seven million dollars to charity, as she promised after her divorce from Johnny Depp.

Namely, when Johnny and Amber reached a settlement in their divorce in 2016, Heard announced that she would donate the seven million dollars to charity and promised to divide the money between two organizations: the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Los Angeles Children's Hospital.

There had been a lot of rumors before that neither the ACLU nor the hospital had ever seen Amber's donation, and now she has confirmed it in court. Yesterday, she admitted in court that by the end of 2018, two years after the divorce, she had received the full amount of the settlement.

Heard said yesterday that she still plans to donate all the money she promised, but that Depp's lawsuit, which seeks damages of up to $ 50 million for defamation, stood in the way.'I still fully intend to keep all my promises. I would like him to stop suing me, ' she said.

Earlier in court, ACLU CEO Terence Dougherty testified that Amber’s name came from Elon Musk with whom Heard dated after her divorce from Depp. He found that the organization received a total of $ 1.3 million in Heard’s name, with only $ 350,000 coming directly from her, $ 100,000 from Depp and $ 500,000 from Musk.

The jury also showed a written agreement in which Heard was supposed to commit to donating $ 3.5 million over 10 years, but the actress never signed it.

Heard said she wanted to donate the money because ‘she was never interested in Johnny’s money’. It is also interesting that Amber issued a statement after the divorce in which she claimed that all the money from the divorce will be donated as soon as she receives the money from the settlement, so this is another of her lies in a series.