The anciend wisdom of Ikigai! How to live it?

Feb 20, 2022 - 07:45
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The anciend wisdom of Ikigai! How to live it?

Ikigai is a Japanese word everyone should know! It is the ancient art of living. It does sound simple, but it is can be difficult to achieve. We will explain what exactly it is, and why you should know what does it mean. Here are some easy steps to help you understand, and live Ikigai.

1. It is different for every one of us

Ikigai in simple words is doing what you love. It is not just about goals, it is about enjoying the search for those things that make you happy and full of life. Ikigai is different for each of us, and there is no universal recipe to get there. It can be playing an instrument, doing volunteer work, playing with your children or walking with your pets. Ikigai is whatever makes you feel complete and satisfied. It is the inner force that keeps you going. It is the way YOU charge your batteries. So, what is your Ikigai? What makes you happy?

2. Is it happiness?

No Ikigai is more complicated. It is much more than feeling happy. Happiness is a feeling, it usually lasts for a short time. We feel happy as a result of something good happening. However, Ikigai is there even when the times are hard. It is your hope. Ikigai is all the things you look forward to and all the things you can't wait to do. It is everything you have ever dreamed of, including your journey to find out what Ikigai is for you, and how to achieve it.

3. How to get there?

It is not always a destination, sometimes it is the road. If you find it once, you can never run out of Ikigai! It will always be a part of you, a part of the way you think and the way you love life.

Now, you know!

It is time to think! What is your Ikigai? What drives you and where do you want to go, what road will you always enjoy so much that you never want it to end? That is your Ikigai! Now that you have found it, live it! Enjoy it!