The food that is great for your heart!

Do you follow the advice of a cardiologist and nutritionist and eat a lot of vegetables, or eat what you feel like at the moment?

Apr 28, 2022 - 16:43
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The food that is great for your heart!

What foods do you take into your body?

Do you follow the advice of a cardiologist and eat a lot of vegetables, or eat what you feel like at the moment? If we follow the advice, we will hardly hear that some cardiologist recommends eating meat.

However, the doctor William Davis believes that foods that are good for the intestines are often good for the heart. He listed some of the favorite foods he always keeps in the fridge, which help him maintain heart health.

Cholesterol level

A cardiologist who praises meat? This is really unusual. Usually, the heart diet is based on foods of plant origin, and this often means rejecting meat in order to reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Even a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association proved that those who follow a plant-based diet can improve cardiovascular health by 16 percent.

However, Davis believes that organically raised meat (animals that grazed grass) is an important part of a balanced diet for a healthy heart. The meat of animal organs (liver, tongue, pancreas, kidneys, etc.) is rich in vitamin B, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, choline, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

Take advantage of everything

“Modern people no longer eat the brain, heart, tongue, or liver. In addition, we do very stupid things, for example, we buy boneless meat, skinless chicken breasts, and do not use nutrients found in bones and bone marrow. As well as collagen and hyaluronic acid that is found in the skin” - said Davis.

By discarding the skin and bones of animals, says Dr. Davis, we actually reject the benefits of meat and he advises you to save bones and fat, and make stews and soups from it.

There are also legumes

In addition to meat, his favorite foods are legumes. Beans, peas, soy, and chickpeas should be part of the daily menu. Legumes are rich in fiber, and fiber improves heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels. In addition, gut microbiomes adore a diet based on foods of plant origin. Legumes are especially good because they contain prebiotic fibers that help the good bacteria grow.

Essential oils

Additional research is needed on the intake of essential oils, but many cultures practice the use of oils and herbs for health. In fact, some studies believe that ingesting essential oils can reduce digestive problems.

For example, peppermint essential oil promotes intestinal health, while bitter orange oil improves stomach health. However, never take them without consulting a doctor or nutritionist, because you should be very careful.

“There is a specific way of consuming essential oils because you do not take them directly” - Davis points out and adds that the general rule is: "Take care of the health of the intestines and your heart will be grateful to you."

Also, some essential oils should never be ingested, such as eucalyptus birch.