The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is an upcoming American musical television series, created by Ron Clements and John Musker, and produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It is based on the classic 1989 Disney animated film of the same name and is set to premiere on Disney+ in late 2023. Here is an overview of what we know about the series so far.

Mar 9, 2023 - 00:05
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The Little Mermaid

Setting and Characters

The Little Mermaid series will follow the adventures of Ariel, the mermaid princess who dreams of living on land, and her friends, Sebastian the crab and Flounder the fish. The show will also introduce several new characters, including a young mermaid named Melody, who is Ariel's daughter, and a prince named Eric's younger brother, Prince Eris.

The series is set to explore more of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica, as well as other new and exciting locations. It promises to showcase more of the magical world that was introduced in the original film, with vibrant visuals and captivating music.


The plot of The Little Mermaid series is still largely unknown, but we do know that it will take place after the events of the original film. Ariel will be a queen of Atlantica, married to Eric, and the mother of Melody. The show will likely explore the challenges that Ariel faces as a mother and ruler, as well as the adventures that she and her friends embark on.

The series is also set to include several musical numbers, with new songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is best known for his work on Hamilton and Moana. The show promises to be a musical extravaganza, with catchy tunes and stunning visuals.


The Little Mermaid series is expected to explore several themes, including family, identity, and love. As a mother and queen, Ariel will likely face many challenges as she tries to balance her responsibilities to her kingdom with her duties as a mother. The show may also explore the relationship between Ariel and Melody, as well as the bond between Ariel and her friends, Sebastian and Flounder.

The theme of identity is also likely to be a major focus of the series, as Ariel must navigate her new role as a queen while still remaining true to herself. The show may also delve into the identities of other characters, such as Prince Eris, who is expected to be a major new addition to the series.

Finally, love will undoubtedly be a central theme of the show, as it was in the original film. The show will likely explore the relationship between Ariel and Eric, as well as other romantic entanglements that may arise.

Production and Reception

The Little Mermaid series is being produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, the same company that produced the original film. Ron Clements and John Musker, who directed the original film, are also serving as executive producers on the series.

The show has already generated a lot of buzz among fans of the original film, who are eagerly anticipating the new adventures of Ariel and her friends. The addition of Lin-Manuel Miranda as a songwriter has also generated a lot of excitement, as his previous work has been widely acclaimed.

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Overall, The Little Mermaid series is shaping up to be an exciting and entertaining addition to the Disney+ lineup. With a talented creative team and an established fan base, the show has a lot of potential to be a hit. Fans of the original film and newcomers alike will undoubtedly enjoy the new adventures of Ariel and her friends, as they explore the magical undersea world of Atlantica.