‘The Nevers’ (2021)

"The Nevers" is a science fiction drama series that premiered on HBO in 2021. Created by Joss Whedon, the series follows a group of women in Victorian London who possess supernatural abilities and must navigate a world that is both fascinated and threatened by their powers. In this review, we will explore the plot, characters, and production of the series, as well as its significance in the context of contemporary science fiction.

May 11, 2023 - 19:46
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‘The Nevers’ (2021)

Plot Summary

Set in Victorian London, "The Nevers" follows a group of women who have been given supernatural abilities, known as "Touches," after a mysterious event called "The Turn." These women, who are collectively known as "The Touched," are ostracized and discriminated against by society, which fears and distrusts their powers.

The series centers around Amalia True, played by Laura Donnelly, and her friend Penance Adair, played by Ann Skelly, who have taken it upon themselves to protect and care for The Touched. They form a group known as "The Orphans," which includes other women with supernatural abilities, and work to keep The Touched safe from those who seek to exploit or harm them.


The characters in "The Nevers" are diverse and well-drawn, each with their own distinct personality and backstory. Laura Donnelly delivers a standout performance as Amalia True, a complex and flawed character who is driven by a deep sense of purpose and a desire to protect those around her.

Ann Skelly is equally impressive as Penance Adair, a brilliant inventor who uses her abilities to create devices that aid The Touched. Other standout performances include Olivia Williams as Lavinia Bidlow, a wealthy benefactor who supports The Orphans, and James Norton as Hugo Swann, a charismatic and dangerous criminal who seeks to exploit The Touched for his own gain.


"The Nevers" boasts a high production value, with impressive visual effects and detailed period costumes and set design. The series also features a strong musical score that enhances the emotional impact of the storytelling.


"The Nevers" is a significant series in the context of contemporary science fiction, as it offers a unique and compelling take on the superhero genre. The series explores themes of power, oppression, and identity, and raises important questions about the role that individuals with special abilities can play in society.

The series also stands out for its diverse and inclusive cast, with many strong female characters and actors of color in prominent roles. This representation is particularly important in a genre that has historically been dominated by white male protagonists.

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In conclusion, "The Nevers" is a standout science fiction series that delivers engaging storytelling, compelling characters, and impressive production values. Its exploration of important themes and commitment to diverse representation make it a significant work of contemporary science fiction that is sure to resonate with audiences for years to come. We highly recommend watching this series and experiencing its magic and power for yourself.