The Open House (2018)

"The Open House" is a 2018 horror-thriller movie directed by Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote. The movie stars Dylan Minnette, Piercey Dalton, and Patricia Bethune and follows a family who moves into a new home after a tragic incident, only to find themselves terrorized by an unknown entity. In this article, we will delve into the plot, characters, and themes of "The Open House" and how they contribute to the movie's overall suspense and thrills.

Apr 17, 2023 - 05:25
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The Open House (2018)

Plot Synopsis

The story revolves around Logan Wallace (Dylan Minnette), a teenager who moves into a new home with his mother Naomi (Piercey Dalton) after his father's tragic death. The house belongs to Naomi's sister, who is trying to sell it after the death of her husband.

The house is located in a secluded area, and strange things start happening soon after they move in. Doors are found open, objects are moved, and they hear footsteps in the night. The family also begins to receive strange phone calls and letters from someone claiming to be watching them.

As the incidents escalate, Logan and Naomi struggle to uncover the identity of the intruder and protect themselves from harm. However, the ending of the movie takes a twist that leaves viewers stunned and questioning everything they thought they knew.


Logan Wallace, played by Dylan Minnette, is the main character of the movie. He is a teenager who is struggling to cope with his father's death and the strange events happening in the new house.

Naomi Wallace, played by Piercey Dalton, is Logan's mother. She is a supportive and caring mother who is determined to protect her son from harm.

Martha, played by Patricia Bethune, is a neighbor who tries to help the family in their time of need. However, her kindness is met with suspicion, and her true intentions remain unclear.


"The Open House" explores several themes, including loss, isolation, and paranoia. The movie shows how grief can consume a person and how the feeling of isolation can compound the effects of tragedy.

Another theme that the movie touches on is the fear of the unknown. The family is terrorized by an unknown entity, and they are unable to predict or understand its actions. This fear of the unknown creates a sense of paranoia and helplessness, which adds to the overall suspense of the movie.

The movie also explores the theme of trust. As the family is terrorized, they begin to question their relationships with those around them, including their neighbors and each other. The theme of trust adds an extra layer of complexity to the plot, as the audience is left to wonder who can be trusted and who cannot.

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Overall, "The Open House" is a gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The movie's well-crafted plot, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.

If you enjoy horror-thrillers that keep you guessing until the very end, then "The Open House" is definitely worth a watch. With its twists and turns and unexpected ending, this movie is sure to keep you entertained and engaged throughout its runtime.