Dangerous Lies (2020)

"Dangerous Lies" is a 2020 thriller movie directed by Michael Scott and starring Camila Mendes, Jessie T. Usher, and Jamie Chung. The movie revolves around a caregiver who inherits a fortune from her wealthy employer and discovers dark secrets that put her life in danger. In this article, we will explore the plot, characters, and themes of "Dangerous Lies" and how they contribute to the overall intrigue and suspense of the movie.

Apr 17, 2023 - 05:19
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Dangerous Lies (2020)

Plot Synopsis

The story begins with Katie (Camila Mendes) and Adam (Jessie T. Usher), a young couple struggling to make ends meet. Katie works as a caregiver for Leonard (Elliot Gould), a wealthy elderly man who lives in a sprawling mansion with his wife Greta (Sasha Alexander).

After Leonard's sudden death, Katie discovers that he has left her his entire fortune, which includes the mansion and all its contents. This unexpected windfall changes Katie and Adam's lives, and they begin to enjoy the luxury and comfort that come with their newfound wealth.

However, things take a dark turn when Katie discovers a secret room in the mansion filled with money, jewelry, and a gun. She also finds out that Leonard's death may not have been natural and that someone is after her to get their hands on the money.

As the danger escalates, Katie and Adam turn to a detective (Jamie Chung) for help, but they soon realize that even she may not be what she seems. In a race against time, Katie must uncover the truth behind Leonard's death and protect herself and those she loves.


Katie, played by Camila Mendes, is the protagonist of the movie. She is a caring and hardworking young woman who is thrown into a world of intrigue and danger after inheriting Leonard's fortune.

Adam, played by Jessie T. Usher, is Katie's supportive boyfriend who stands by her through thick and thin. He is a loyal and loving partner who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Katie.

Detective Chesler, played by Jamie Chung, is a detective hired by Katie and Adam to investigate Leonard's death. She is a mysterious and enigmatic character who becomes more complex as the story unfolds.


"Dangerous Lies" explores several themes, including greed, deception, and betrayal. The movie shows how greed can drive people to do unspeakable things, and how deception and betrayal can lurk beneath the surface of even the closest relationships.

Another theme that the movie touches on is the power of money. Katie's life changes dramatically after inheriting Leonard's fortune, but she soon realizes that money can come at a high cost.

The movie also explores the theme of trust. As the danger escalates, Katie and Adam are forced to question their relationships with those around them, including their closest friends and family.

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Overall, "Dangerous Lies" is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. The movie's well-crafted plot, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.

If you are a fan of thrillers that keep you guessing until the very end, then "Dangerous Lies" is definitely worth a watch. With its mix of intrigue, suspense, and danger, this movie is sure to keep you entertained and engaged throughout its runtime.