Try An Amazing Hibernation Diet With Honey
The key rule of the hibernation diet is to take one to two tablespoons of honey before bed, either in a hot beverage, in a smoothie, or straight from a jar

Weight loss and sleep problems are topics that interest many, and the solution could be offered by hibernation diet, in which the weight loss process, as the name suggests, starts during the night, and also helps you sleep better.
The key rule of the hibernation diet is to take one to two tablespoons of honey before bed, either in a hot beverage, in a smoothie, or straight from a jar.
The diet was devised by British pharmacist and nutritionist Mike McInnes, who says that it works at the same time for better sleep and weight loss simply by using the biology of our body and cooperating with it instead of working against it.
The hibernation diet works by 'recruiting' the body's natural weight control mechanism. You don’t have to fight your body every step of the way to achieve a healthy weight, Mike McInnes points out.
The key is to restore the body's regenerative mechanisms during the night, speeding up metabolic processes and fat burning, alleviating the effects of stress hormones, and helping us sleep better during the night. And here comes the honey. First of all, it’s good to know if you’re a candidate for a hibernation diet.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you wake up regularly during the night?
- Do you sweat at night?
- Do you suffer from reflux during the night?
- Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you have to go to the toilet?
- Do you feel nauseous early in the morning?
- Are you exhausted?
- Is your throat dry in the morning?
- Do you have cramps during the night?
- Do you feel weak early in the morning?
If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, it may mean that you have not “supplied” your liver with the fuel it needs to function properly at night. Instead of burning fat and rebuilding muscle, your body has produced a big wave of stress hormones while you sleep.
Honey has long been valued for its therapeutic properties. The author of the hibernation diet claims that the fructose and glucose in honey provide the body with the fuel it needs during the night, which controls the balance of blood sugar levels and promotes fat burning.
But the hibernation diet is not just based on honey. For best results, it is important to follow a healthy diet, which means avoiding processed foods such as white bread, pizza, burgers, chips, beer, and sugar, and consuming foods that contain nutrients valid for our body, without unnecessary additives.
The hibernation diet recommends two or three resistance workouts a week. You don't have to go to the gym for that - and at home, you can use light weights or bags filled with sugar or rice to do your workout. There are resistance exercises in yoga and pilates that you can try.