Try this amazing ancient brain technique!

Good memory is hidden in all of us and the only important thing is to encourage it with properly chosen techniques, Joshua believes. 

Apr 3, 2022 - 17:16
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Try this amazing ancient brain technique!

Good memory is hidden in all of us and the only important thing is to encourage it with properly chosen techniques.

Journalist Joshua Foer followed the American Memory Competition and met with people who can keep in mind the order of one deck of cards after watching it for five minutes or counting the names of a hundred people they met the day before.

Fascinated, Joshua followed these people and at the same time corrected his bad memory and then wrote a book about it. The secret of a good memory is not in the inherited genes, but in the commitment to the ancient techniques of brain exercise, some of which are 2500 years old.

Good memory is hidden in all of us and the only important thing is to encourage it with properly chosen techniques, Joshua believes. The process is actually simple and requires some imagination. Joshua calls it building his own palace of memory.

Choose a place that you know well and mentally attach some things or words to each picture of that place, Joshua advises. The more time we spend in our palace of memory, the more we push things into it, the stronger it becomes and the new memories stick to the old ones harder and harder.

Joshua placed his memories in the house where he lived as a child. Every time he wants to remember some words or speeches, he imagines them in one of the rooms of his home.

"Every time you close your eyes and walk around your palace of memory, that is, your house, you will find every word you decide to remember in one of the rooms where you left it" explains Joshua.

Here's how Joshua remembers the list of things he has to buy at the grocery store.

"I will imagine myself in my kitchen and imagine pouring a bottle of milk over my mother's head. I imagine her face, how angry she would be while I do that. The more feelings, colors, details you associate with that picture, the easier it will be to remember that you have to buy milk." says Joshua.

"Once you master this trick, you will be able to easily remember a really long series of information," Joshua is convinced.