7 pleasure spots every guy wants you to touch

He will absolutely go crazy for you

Jul 20, 2022 - 18:24
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7 pleasure spots every guy wants you to touch
The human body is full of erogenous zones, the stimulation of which gives men and women incredible pleasure. A study recently showed which erogenous zones are the most sensitive. In one study, men admitted that nipple stimulation is one of the most important places to stimulate sexual desire. Sex experts, therefore, recommend gently sucking or touching the nipples. In addition to those mentioned, there are some other places on the body that will surely cause a reaction.
1. Lips
The mouth is a very important erogenous zone. Kissing increases the level of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that increases the desire for sex.
“You can try running your tongue over his lips or lightly nibbling his lower lip” - suggests sexologist Carol Queen.
2. Ears
If you've ever had someone play with your ears and you liked it, then it makes sense that your partner will too. Also, in one study it was shown that the ears are the second strongest erogenous zone in the male body.
Try to slowly move your lips down the line of his earlobe, lightly nibble it or touch it with your tongue. Or just tell him about your fantasies” - advises Queen.
3. Neck
Light kisses down the neck are very erotic and will quickly arouse your partner to sex. The best point for stimulation is the part of the neck under the hair, which should be gently kissed with a half-open mouth.
The combination of heat and vibration will stimulate a strong desire in your partner” - explains sex expert Emily Morse.
4. Nipples
In a recent survey for the American magazine "Cortex", men admitted that nipple stimulation is one of the most important places to stimulate sexual desire. Sex experts recommend gently sucking or licking the nipple, and at the same time touching the male genital organ for additional pleasure.
5. Tip of the male genital organ
There are a lot of nerves on the tip of the penis and that place on the male body is the closest version of the female clitoris. 
6. Buttock
In the middle is the prostate gland, which is located about a finger's distance inside his buttock. Not all men are created equal, so there's a chance he doesn't like it. It would be a good idea to check his wishes before trying.
7. Perineum
With a light massage, you will give your partner a stronger orgasm than usual. Try touching that spot during oral sex.

Post by: Rinna James