A great four-week walking plan for weight loss

Whether you’re just starting out, returning from a long break, or you’re a regular walker, here’s a four-week plan that will maximize your results.

May 10, 2022 - 15:41
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A great four-week walking plan for weight loss

We have written many times about the benefits of walking. One of these advantages is definitely the ease of performance because, unlike other activities, many find it easy to get out for a walk and even do it with enjoyment. However, if you want to increase your calorie expenditure while walking and lose weight faster, a simple walk is not enough.

Whether you’re just starting out, returning from a long break, or you’re a regular walker, here’s a four-week plan that will maximize your results. The plan will help you burn 200 to 300 calories in one session.

If you’re among those who don’t find walking such a useful form of exercise, keep in mind that something is always better than nothing. In addition, going to the gym is something that many skip more often than they would like. If the only activity of the day happens to be a walk from home to the car and back, add another 10, 20, or 30 minutes of walking to that walk and you’ll do a great thing.

Read the plan for the week below, which you should then repeat for four weeks with increasing duration. After four weeks - make a new round of 4 weeks. The walk is great, and with the arrival of better weather, you will really enjoy it.

By the end of the month, if you follow the plan, you should be comfortable increasing the duration of the walk, its length, and speed. Once you master the plan, you can make the thing more challenging by adding dumbbells to your workout.


Seven-day plan:

Day 1: Walking at a fast pace for 20-30 minutes
Day 2: Easy walk for 40 minutes (preferably strength training)
Day 3: Walking on a slope of 20-30 minutes
Day 4: Easy walk for 40 minutes (preferably strength training)
Day 5: Fast walking 20-30 minutes
Day 6: Sloping walk 20-30 minutes
Day 7: Rest

Before and after each walk, include in your routine a simple stretch that will help your body prepare for the upcoming effort and increase blood flow to your muscles. Examples of stretching exercises are pulling the knee towards the chest and sideways swinging the leg.


Do a brisk walking workout by starting with a 5-minute warm-up followed by a 20-minute brisk walk (you can gradually speed up) and finally a five-minute warm-up. Over time, you can increase the duration of brisk walking.


Start this workout by warming up for five minutes to get your body moving. Then walk at a leisurely pace for half an hour and finally set aside five minutes to cool down. The pace at which you walk should be such that you are able to have short conversations.


It would be great to include strength training in your routine on days reserved for easy walks, which can consist of lunges, squats, push-ups, and barbells. You can use only your own body weight, and you can also add dumbbells, resistance-creating tires, or other equipment of your choice.