Books that have become series!

One of these books is No1 on Netflix. Here are Hit books that have become hit series.

Apr 30, 2022 - 13:23
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Books that have become series!

Television series have raised the quality of screenplays to a level that seems unreal even when we watch them. Many of them have as their foundation the literary template of a very successful novel or series. And no, it's not just about special effects and building worlds that we admire on screen, but there are also top-notch scripts and acting achievements that we talk about for days after watching the last episode. Here are some books based on the latest TV hits, which we will watch soon.

Anatomy of a Scandal - Sarah Vaughn

The Court Drama The Anatomy of a Scandal is a tense story about attempts to evade the law, portray the truth, and fragile emotional relationships that were thought to last forever. James is a minister without a portfolio in the British government and he has been the prime minister's best friend since his student days. But apart from the debauched student days, they share a secret that must not come to light. When James's power and mind go crazy, he will enter into a reckless love affair with his co-worker who will accuse him of attempted rape. It will be a scandal that will reach the very heart of British rule. What will the Prime Minister say about that and how will Sophie, his wife, react to her husband's infidelity? But the final decision is in the hands of Kate, a prosecutor who with all those involved in the scandal was a generational colleague in college, and then had to disappear overnight. The series is number 1 on Netflix. But you already know that.

Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

One of the most beautiful (and saddest) love stories of all time has received a new edition, and the series is just about to start showing. He is an enthusiastic librarian, and she is a talented student of the Academy of Fine Arts. It seems to him that this is the first time they meet and get to know each other, but he appears in her life since she was six. Henry travels through time and as a prisoner of time suddenly appears in Clara's life and also suddenly disappears, always in proper life age, but unaware of what had happened in previous encounters and life episodes. Clare, on the other hand, lives in one-way weather and waits for him, aware that he can appear at any moment of her life, but also disappear. 

Conversations with Friends - Sally Rooney

Soon a series based on a template that is considered modern, not to say serious, literature. Written with brilliant precision, imbued with clever humor, the novel "Conversations with Friends" exudes an awareness of the pleasures and dangers of youth and the limits of female friendship that are difficult to draw neatly. Sally Rooney has become a global star with this novel, and this is the second film adaptation of one of her novels in just two years. "Conversations with friends" in many ways have a cult status among readers because they are a manifesto not only of one generation but also of one time.