Botox or Keratin for hair? We asked the expert.

These are four of the most popular treatments for different hair types. Choose what is best for you and enjoy your healthy, shinny hair.

Feb 25, 2022 - 08:46
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Botox or Keratin for hair? We asked the expert.

There is no woman who does not dream of beautiful shiny hair of lush volume that she just washes and dries. However, the only proven recipe for that is the right care, and not only the one at home. Here are four of the most popular treatments for different hair types.

When we think of care, most women think that washing their hair and applying balm regularly is enough, and they often do not pay attention to whether they use products for their hair type. If you are able, the most effective way to recover your hair and make it shine in full shine are professional treatments in salons. But it doesn't matter which one. You need to choose the one that is right for your hair type. Unfortunately, we do not have a secret recipe for perfect hair, but the best way to such a result is constant care and only care.

Keratin recovers chemically damaged hair

Keratin treatment provokes heated comments. Many are delighted with it, and many are disappointed, but if done and dosed properly, it can not have any harmful effects.

Keratin is a natural protein that is already there in the composition of hair and skin. Over time, due to chemical and physical treatment, keratin comes out of the hair and the hair becomes dry, stiff, and lifeless. That is why one of the better treatments that must be done in the salon is keratin treatment. The effect is visible immediately, lasts about four months, sometimes longer. After the treatment, the hair is silky, shiny, and elastic. It is recommended to do it two or three times a year, and it is the best cure for hair that is chemically damaged during coloring.

Botox is the choice for thin hair

Botox treatment or hair filling is a treatment intended for thin hair without volume. There are various variants of Botox on the market, but in each case, the main ingredients are collagen and hyaluronic acid. Botox hair will not be soft and silky, but the hair will be stiffer and thicker. After that, the hair is much less oily and has a larger volume, which stays on the hair for a long time, about four weeks.

Argan pleases curly hair

Argan treatment is a gift of nature that has long been a secret of Moroccan beauty. The results of argan treatment are visible immediately. It is a great tool when you want to tame tangled and unruly hair, which after the treatment becomes shiny, soft, and easy to style. Argan treatment can be done every two weeks, and it can also be used in home care, and as a treatment in the salon on a monthly basis.

Treatment no. 1 for colored hair

An excellent treatment for hair protection during coloring or bleaching is the treatment with olaplex preparations. It can be done in almost all salons that do great transformations in color. It reduces the possibility of hair breakage due to chemical treatment of the hair, and after coloring, it closes the hair and reduces the percentage of hair porosity.