Cinnamon winter diet that works!

It is currently the MOST POPULAR in the world, melts fat deposits, and doesn't REQUIRE the preparation of meals.Cinnamon regulates sugar and cholesterol levels

Nov 24, 2021 - 14:05
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Cinnamon winter diet that works!

The cinnamon diet is quite simple and does not require the preparation of special meals, which gives it an additional plus. It includes consuming a drink with cinnamon twice a day. Tasty and healthy, right? That is why the cinnamon diet is currently a favorite around the world.

The main base of this diet is cinnamon. In addition to helping you start your metabolism, cinnamon also has a beneficial effect on the general health of the body. This diet can regulate blood sugar levels, but also cholesterol.

The cinnamon diet does not ask you to limit your meals, but to replace fatty and sugar-rich foods with healthier ones. The only rule you have to follow is to drink a cup of low-fat yogurt in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed, to which you will add a teaspoon of cinnamon.

An example of a cinnamon diet menu


A glass of yogurt with cinnamon, scrambled eggs from one whole egg and three egg whites, a piece of toast, and three pieces of prosciutto.

Snack 1

A handful of almonds.


Chicken, vegetables, and quinoa.

Snack 2

Seasonal fruit or Greek yogurt.


A glass of yogurt with cinnamon, oatmeal, and fruit.

It is recommended that you introduce light physical activity and exercise at least twice a week.

Before starting a cinnamon diet, consult with your chosen doctor!