Did you know that men have a G spot too?
The male G spot is the equivalent of the female arousal center of the same name, well hidden from view and extremely sensitive to touch.

Surely you didn't know that men also have their own G spot. The male G spot is the equivalent of the female arousal center of the same name, and it is well hidden from view and extremely sensitive to touch. In recent years, we have been writing more and more about the female G spot, which is considered one of the most erotically sensitive places in the female body. At the same time, there is little mention that men have the same spot.
Even they are completely unaware of her existence, and additional confusion is probably created by the fact that she is not officially called that. Most members of the stronger sex will be surprised to hear that the male G-spot is nothing more than – the prostate- a nut-like gland through which the male urethra passes.
It is well known that the prostate is essential for sexual life as a gland that produces one of the components of seminal fluid. In youth, men are usually concerned about acute inflammation, and in adulthood benign enlargement, and prostate cancer, which can be detected by palpating this male gonad.
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The prostate is a sensitive organ, which should be treated with caution like any other internal organ. It contains numerous nerves, located mostly on its upper and central part. Pressing or scratching these areas can cause serious damage to the gland, from mechanical damage to inflammation, or worsening of pre-existing inflammation.
Some men, or their partners, play with the prostate in order to increase sexual pleasure. Namely, the fact that it is equipped with numerous nerve endings makes the prostate one of the goals of stimulation, and some men are able to experience orgasm just by stimulating this gland. As is well known, the prostate is located between the bladder and the intestine and surrounds the urethra through which urine exits the bladder through the penis: that is why it can be stimulated from the inside, which means touching the anus, but also in a much less risky way - from the outside.
External stimulation is performed by pressing the place under the testicle near the anal opening. Prostate stimulation could lead to strong sexual arousal and satisfaction. Of course, it is not mandatory, but only one of the techniques that a loving couple can use during sexual intercourse. Namely, although it is rarely mentioned, sex is an integral and very important part of our lives: the better it is, the better the relationship between partners is.
Post By: Vanessa F.