Gillian Anderson rose to fame overnight, she struggled with drugs: This is what the famous Scully from The X-Files series looks like today! (Photo)
It didn't take her long to become a favorite TV personality for many. We all remember her well for her role as the famous Scully from "The X-Files" series, that aired, believe it or not, 28 years ago!

Through 218 episodes in 11 seasons, FBI agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), together with Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), investigated paranormal phenomena and conspiracy theories about aliens and the government's cover-ups.
In addition to interesting plots, the viewers were intrigued for nine years by the chemistry that was obvious between the charming Mulder and the beautiful Scully.
Today, 28 years later, the years have definitely left their mark on the main heroine of the famous series.
Gillian was born in Chicago, her mother was a computer analyst, and her father had a small company for film and television post-production.
She was a troubled teenager, she recalled, explaining that at the same time she was a "rebel and lost cause", taking drugs and sneaking out of the house at night to go to concerts and doing everything that rebellious teenagers do.
Today, Gillian is a socially engaged activist in Greenpeace, she also deals with endangered rights and habitat loss of indigenous tribes around the world and helps humanitarian organizations that work to save the Amazon and endangered marine ecosystems. In addition, she still acts, and one of her most recent parts is in the series "Sex Education".
The years have left their mark on the once-favorite actress of many. She dyed her distinctive reddish hair blonde, her skin has aged (naturally) but she still looks elegant and refreshing.
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By: Helen B.