Great color fix technique for dark circles!

No matter how hard you try and no matter how many layers of foundation you apply, sometimes we can't cover that stubborn pimple or dark circles.

Apr 21, 2022 - 15:35
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Great color fix technique for dark circles!

No matter how hard you try and no matter how many layers of foundation and concealer you apply, sometimes we can't cover that stubborn pimple or dark circles, and the solution lies in - color theory.

Even those of us with a mostly flawless complexion must have met those days when some pimples turn red like Rudolph's nose, and the under-eye circles show that we didn't get the best sleep. Then it seems that, despite all the efforts, our usual make-up products such as concealer and liquid foundation refuse to cooperate and fail to hide anything, and our complexion just looks grayer... Still, there is help, and it comes in the form of mini palettes or color concealer sticks that we can use for a specific ‘problem’, whether it’s hyperpigmentation, dark circles, or acne.

What is color correcting?

This make-up technique serves to neutralize dark circles, redness, and hyperpigmentation that we fail to cover with ordinary concealer or liquid skin foundation. It is based on color theory, i.e. a circle of colors that shows complementary contrasts, which means that the opposite colors neutralize each other. 


Acne, scars, rosacea, and other skin conditions that are manifested by redness are sometimes difficult to cover with a skin color corrector, so since the complementary contrast of red is green, a green shade corrector helps to neutralize redness. 

Dark under-eye circles

Neutralizing and then concealing dark under-eye circles will depend on their tones: purple under-eye circles will be neutralized by yellow, blue-orange, and for brown, you can use peach, orange or red, depending on how deep the shade is.

Tired, gray skin

If you are bothered by skin that looks grayish and lifeless, color concealers can also help. Light-skinned people can lighten their complexion with a light-purple concealer, while dark-skinned people can use yellow for that.

How to choose the right shade?

The best way is definitely - by testing. Lighter shades of color concealers will suit lighter-skinned people, while darker skin tones will suit more intense tones better. If you are not sure which shade is best for you, try 2 different ones (for example, one shade of concealer under one eye, another under the other), put your usual skin concealer on top, and compare.

How to apply it?

These creamy color concealers can be applied with your fingers, a brush, or a sponge and only on the area we want to neutralize (for example a pimple) because they would be too visible elsewhere. If you need to apply concealer on a larger area, you can mix it with a liquid foundation to blend better with your complexion. After applying the concealer, dab it well, then cover it with your standard concealer or liquid skin powder.