How to get rid of dark circles under eyes

These are the ways to get rid of dark circles, the enemies we all face, and few of us know how to deal with them.

Feb 28, 2022 - 02:45
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How to get rid of dark circles under eyes

Are you struggling with dark circles? You are not alone. Whether they are the result of a lack of sleep or a particularly stressful week, tired eyes happen to everyone. The good news is that there are different ways to solve them. 

What causes ‘dark circles’ around the eyes?

Dark circles are the result of high levels of stress, poor diet, and chronic exhaustion. Fatigue is not the only factor when we talk about dark circles, and we seem to blame fatigue for dark circles the most. The aesthetic doctor even claims that fatigue is not among the top three biggest causes of dark circles.

One of the main causes of dark circles is hyperpigmentation of the skin, which can be caused by environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and poor sleep, or an internal factor such as genetics.

Also, allergies and nasal congestion can contribute to the formation of dark circles because the poor circulation of the lower eyelids creates varicose veins. The veins under the eyes widen and become darker. Lack of circulation in the veins under the eyes is similar to the problem of lack of collagen and fat under the eyes which also leads to the appearance of dark circles. 

The more time we spend in front of the screen, the more likely it is that our eyes are strained, which can encourage the blood vessels around the eyes to dilate and create so-called ‘dark shadows’. 

What should we eat?

When we start the process of eliminating dark circles, we first need to start from the inside. Ask yourself, how does the food you eat affect your skin? For example, how will overly spicy foods affect the condition of the eye area? Bad, very bad. The diet cannot remove dark circles, but it can be one trigger less. 

You need to eat nutritious anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and healthy fats to keep your skin healthy and strong. 

There are specific fruits and vegetables that are claimed to help remove annoying dark circles and prevent them from getting worse. For example, tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which promotes circulation and protects blood vessels. Other foods to be consumed are blueberries, watermelon, oranges, and beets. Unfortunately, a glass of wine or espresso after dinner will have to be forgotten. Stopping consuming red wine and caffeine will help eliminate unfortunate under-eye bags because your skin will no longer be dehydrated.


How to remove dark circles?

Better sleep

Experts believe that bad sleep does not create dark circles, but emphasizes their appearance. Also, seven to nine hours of sleep is recommended, enough to keep you from looking pale and sleepless the next morning. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly raised will also help reduce the possibility of extra swelling. The last enemy of good sleep is the blue light of digital devices. It should be reduced or glasses that block it should be used. 

Health factors

Cigarette smoking is the biggest evil when it comes to dark circles. After smoking, experts mention increased cholesterol or triglycerides. If you are a smoker, do everything you can to quit, and if you have problems with cholesterol or triglycerides, seek medical help and engage in physical activity. 


Whenever experts talk about ‘healthier-looking skin’, ‘removing blemishes’, ‘reducing skin fatigue’ or any other skin problems, factoring cream or SPF is mentioned first. SPF is extremely important because it creates a protective layer between our skin and the ‘outside world’ and allows it to breathe. It should be worn throughout the year, and when we feel that it is missing on the face, it should be applied again. 

Ice as an associate

Ice narrows blood vessels so it will greatly help reduce varicose veins in the area under the eyes. Experts recommend ice balls or other circular ice packs to gently massage your face. 

Formed routine

You need to incorporate ingredients into your skincare routine that will reduce the visibility of dark circles and brighten the area. Some of the ingredients you are looking for are caffeine, hyaluronic acid, tri-peptides and ceramides. Also, there is a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C that works very well in the fight against dark circles. Vitamin C stimulates the breakdown of collagen, and hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin and restores fullness and retains radiance. 


When we talk about dark circles, the first thing that comes to mind is 'how to cover them?', And there are various techniques for that. The most famous is ‘color correction’ or color correction. Specifically, you want to ‘block’ the color of the eyelids (gray, brown) with another color (most often orange). If your under-eyes are blue, the color of the correction will have to be yellow. This will neutralize the color of the eyelids and it will not be visible on your face.

Neutralizing concealer is one way, but it will not serve everyone. Another way is the so-called ‘distraction’. You do this by applying a product that is ‘stronger’ than the concealer in terms of visibility on the face, and that is definitely a highlighter. You can apply this product on the top of the cheekbones or in the corners of the eyes. Just be careful not to overdo it.