How to start your own microgreens garden?

Feb 15, 2022 - 20:19
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How to start your own microgreens garden?

If you like salads and you need a bit of a vitamin boost before the spring it is the perfect time for you to plant your microgreens garden!

1. What are microgreens?

Simply said microgreens are baby plants. They do not need a lot of space to grow and you will be in love with their taste and their nutrition. These delicious babies are ready to harvest in a couple of weeks and they can be grown in small shallow containers in almost any place that has a bit of light. There are so many to choose from but we will recommend a few that are beginner-friendly and easy to grow.

2. What do you need?

You will need some soil and shallow containers. Speaking about soil, it is best for it to be organic, because you will eat the plants in a short while, but, basically, any soil can do. Especially for the start. For the containers, you can improvise and use the plastic containers that you get in almost any store and you usually throw away, or you can buy everything you need online. You will also need a spray bottle to water your plants and keep them happy. Last, but not least, you will need seeds. We recommend lettuce, broccoli, basil, spinach, chia and radish, but of course, you can use buckwheat, parsley, or simply almost any other plant that you usually eat.

3. It is easy!

Put the soil in the container. You do not need a lot of it, 1cm of soil will be enough. Now, it is time for the seeds. Spread your future baby greens evenly, it might take a bit of practice to get it to be perfect as the amount can vary. If the seeds are smaller you will need more of them, you don’t have to leave much space between them, but, the seeds should also never be on top of each other. Last, it is time for a bit more soil and the first watering. Take your spray bottle and spray generously as the seeds will need more so they can sprout.

And there you have it! Your first microgreens garden is on its way. Water regularly with your spray bottle and you will be amazed at how fast they grow. In 2-3 weeks you will have your first harvest!