'I can not anymore! I am in Covid hell!"
'The phone rang, again and again, we were unable to answer in time. The missed call was from the already familiar number "0300" used by Covid SS '

Famous actress Joan Collins (88) is furious about the epidemiological measures in power due to the coronavirus pandemic. She jokingly described what her daily life looks like for the British Daily Mail.
"Oh no, again ?!" I thought when the phone rang, and I heard a murmur from the receiver, "This is your covid quarantine officer. I'm waiting for you at the door."
Percy and I were in the attic cleaning up, rushing down the stairs, but we didn't get to the intercom. Fortunately, the officer did not go and report us to the Stasi (an allusion to the secret police during the German Democratic Republic and also the organization for the persecution of so-called political criminals), "Because we were not immediately at the door and eagerly awaited his arrival."
At the entrance was a young man in a Metallica T-shirt and hoodie. He asked my husband if he was who he was, asked for his passport, wrote something down on his smartphone, and left.
We endure all this very patiently. We didn’t even ask him to identify himself. Instead, we smiled kindly in fear of provoking his revenge.
An hour later the phone rang again, but again we were unable to answer in time. It was a missed call from the already known number "0300" used by the covid SS.
We know from experience that it is pointless to return a call because we will be faced with a recorded message saying that we have been called and that we will be called again. When? Nobody knows that. Namely, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
‘I hope they don’t think we’re out,’ I said scared because I heard a friend was fined a thousand pounds for walking a dog at six in the morning. Her husband later paid ten thousand pounds because he said she was asleep.
A new call followed at four in the afternoon. The voice of a strict teacher asked me to tell him the year of my birth (which otherwise always upsets me) and read the list of everyone authorized to listen to the recording of our conversation.
He began with cross-examination: ‘Did I get my test? Who made the test? What is the result? '
It has been several months since I received my second dose of the vaccine. From October until today, I have been quarantined four times and tested about thirty times. Each time the test was negative. I have to work because no one will pay my bills just because a pandemic broke out.
"I have to, therefore, do the necessary to keep my job, which is to travel, and that, in turn, means testing, testing, testing, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine. In other words, they keep calling me, calling me, calling me "... - the famous actress described for the Daily Mail.
By: Olivia J. - Gossip Whispers