JEN ANISTON IS SPRING CLEANING HER FRIEND GROUP: 'They didn't want to get vaccinated so I got rid of them'
In a recent interview, Jennifer Aniston revealed that she had to kick several friends out of a small circle of people present in her life, and the reason, she says, is simple - they don’t want to get vaccinated!

Jennifer Aniston says she likes to keep her friends close to her, but only those who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.
The Golden Globe winner had already talked about her stance around the coronavirus when she said she was disappointed that there was still a large group of people who were anti-vaccine or just didn’t listen to the facts, so she has now decided not to hang out with those who haven’t been vaccinated.
'It's a real shame. I just lost a few close people who refused or didn't want to reveal if they were vaccinated or not, 'said Jen.
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'Everyone has the right to their opinion - but many opinions are based solely on fear or propaganda. I feel it is our moral and professional obligation to let other people know if we have corona protection because we can’t all get tested on a daily basis. So I think I got rid of a few friends for a reason, added Aniston, who has advocated keeping distance, wearing masks, and other precautions since the pandemic began in March 2020. So she asked her 37.7 million followers on Instagram to wear masks.
Aniston continued to advocate the use of face masks a month later, discovering that her friend Kevin was hospitalized due to COVID. She also recently spoke about how much meditation helps her cope more easily with a pandemic and work on herself mentally more than ever.
By: Olivia J. - Gossip Whispers