New Year resolutions that you can stick to!

Let's be honest, we don't all have the time, money, or motivation to visit the gym or volunteer regularly, although we would certainly like to.

Dec 31, 2021 - 05:02
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New Year resolutions that you can stick to!

Let's be honest, we don't all have the time, money, or motivation to visit the gym or volunteer regularly, although we would certainly like to. But that doesn't mean we can't make meaningful new year's resolutions and stick to them for a change. Here are some ideas on how to get started.

Send a letter or postcard

There's something really wonderful about opening a letter. In today's social media-dependent world, it's a real refreshment to get a letter or postcard from the person we love. Send a letter once a month and prove that you really think about him/her.


You know that pile of clothes you never wear? Why don't you donate it? There are people who could certainly use it, and it just takes up a place in the closet. Also, if you have a jar at home where you collect change, do a good deed, and donate that money to a charity.

Say "thank you"

Most of us say thank you every day, but, also, for most, it's about habit, not sincere gratitude. Make a little extra effort to show others that you're really grateful to them. For example, leave a message for an office cleaner who empties your trash every day and keeps the work environment clean and tidy.

Use fewer plastic bags

The negative effects of a plastic bag on the environment go beyond their benefits. Keep the reusable bag in your car or in your purse, so you always have it with you.

Spend less time on your phone

We know, it's impossible to ignore your phone forever, but learn to control yourself and make an effort to use it as little as possible when you're at a family lunch or other important event. Focus on the people around you, you can always check your email later.

Make it yourself, instead of buying something that’s already made

Most of us buy food and drink that we could very easily make ourselves. It's time to stop doing it. If you start preparing food yourself, you will not only save money, but you will most likely be healthier.

Walk at least 20 minutes a day

Go for a walk every day for a minimum of 20 minutes or sit on a park bench and read a book. Your emotional health will be grateful to you.

Make an appointment with your doctor

Don't delay your visit to the doctor or dentist anymore. Arrange a routine check-up and conduct tests. If you know that your health is good, it will be easier to do all the other everyday tasks.

Read more books

Stop giving up on your half-read books! This when you start reading a book, stick to it. If it’s hard for you to stay concentrated, divide it by how many pages you’re going to read a day.

Have a movie marathon with your friends

At least this is an activity that you can all enjoy together. The number one movie everyone goes for is, of course, Harry Potter.