Sawyer Fredericks from VOICE Came Out as Bi!

Feb 6, 2022 - 12:41
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Sawyer Fredericks from VOICE Came Out as Bi!

'I'll Probably Lose Some Fans'

When he was younger he thought he was straight, because he was more attracted to women. Sawyer didn't know there were more options besides Gay and Straight," 

Sawyer Fredericks opened up about his sexuality and his true self.

The young Voice season 8 champion, now 22, recently came out as bisexual. Sawyer shared a heartwarming announcement on his Instagram profile. He shared his truth with his fan base. He has more than 91,000 Instagram followers. "Hey everyone it is time for my #TruthfulTuesday," Fredericks began his caption.

He said that he never publicly revealed that he is Bisexual, and he wanted to share that with his fans. Sawyer added that in the past he thought he was straight, but as time passed, he learned that there are more options, and it is not all black and...well, rainbow colours. Fredericks assumed he was straight because he was more attracted to women. He also added that he felt privileged, as he was never discriminated against for his sexuality. He was also never ashamed of who he is. Sawyer continued to express his sorrow for everyone who had a hard time and went through discrimination and all that sadly still goes with being open to the world, and truthful to yourself when it comes to sexuality.

“I'm truly sorry for any of you who have been(discriminated and shamed), and I hope it gets better."

He added that he will probably lose some fans because of his decision to come out as bisexual, and that is completely fine. The Voice winner shared a selfie in a tie-dye rainbow colour tank top to go with his announcement. We must add that, even if he does lose followers over this, he loses no fans. They were never fans in the first place if their love for his work depends on who he may or may not love. Nonetheless, we are sure his true fans will support him, and many more will join his fan base, as we know that people love honesty, to fans and to themselves.

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A post shared by Sawyer Fredericks (@sawyerfrdrx)

Sawyer previously shared with the world that he is living with his partner in Troy, N.Y. They met at a rock climbing gym, and have been together for around five years. This is his first time living with a partner. Before that, in the past, he was living with his family.

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A post shared by Sawyer Fredericks (@sawyerfrdrx)

He said he enjoys the life they share. The couple also shares responsibilities and chores, though he says it is all so easy he does not consider any of it as chores. He was used to a much harder life and his chores were really hard work in the past. That is why he says mopping the flor is not trouble for him at all.