Cobra, released in 1986, is an action-packed thriller directed by George P. Cosm...
Nighthawks, released in 1981, is a thrilling action film directed by Bruce Malmu...
Oscar, released in 1991, is a comedy film directed by John Landis. Starring Sylv...
Daylight, released in 1996, is an action disaster film directed by Rob Cohen. St...
Demolition Man, released in 1993, is an action/science fiction film directed by ...
Cliffhanger, released in 1993, is an action thriller directed by Renny Harlin. S...
Bullet to the Head, released in 2012, is an action thriller directed by Walter H...
Tango & Cash, released in 1989, is an action-packed buddy cop film directed by A...
Cop Land, released in 1997, is a gritty and thought-provoking crime drama direct...
Cliffhanger is a 1993 action-thriller film directed by Renny Harlin and starring...
An exciting, fun, and unexpectedly emotional Route 66 journey.
Sylvester Stallone's plastic surgery is pretty obvious even though he doesn't ta...
Stallone called out the producer of "Rocky" and Lundgren for the possible film "...
Sylvester Stallone is Mr. Smith, an aging garbage collector who at one point get...
Sylvester Stallone criticized the 'Rocky' producer!
Sophia Stallone surprised her father, Sylvester Stallone on the set of the film,...