Sort Of (2021)

"Sort Of" is a Canadian television series that premiered in 2021 on CBC Television. The show follows the life of Sabi Mehboob (played by Bilal Baig), a gender-fluid young adult who works as a photographer in Toronto. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of the show's plot, cast, and themes, and why it has become a critical and audience favorite.

Apr 30, 2023 - 07:39
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Sort Of (2021)

Plot Overview

"Sort Of" centers around the life of Sabi Mehboob, a gender-fluid individual who identifies as neither male nor female. Sabi works as a photographer and is struggling to navigate relationships with family, friends, and potential romantic partners.

Throughout the series, Sabi is faced with a variety of challenges, including a complicated family dynamic, pressure to conform to societal norms, and the struggles of dating in the modern world. Along the way, Sabi is supported by a diverse cast of friends and allies who help them navigate the ups and downs of life in Toronto.


"Sort Of" features a talented and diverse cast of actors, including series lead Bilal Baig as Sabi Mehboob. Other notable cast members include Farah Merani as Sabi's mother, Laila, and Omer Khan as Sabi's friend and potential love interest, Max.


"Sort Of" addresses a variety of themes and issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community, including gender identity, family relationships, and navigating dating in a world that can be hostile to non-binary individuals. The show also tackles issues of race and cultural identity, as Sabi is a first-generation Canadian with roots in Pakistan.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Sort Of" is its nuanced portrayal of gender identity. The show takes care to represent Sabi's gender identity in a respectful and accurate way, while also exploring the challenges that come with living outside of traditional gender norms.

Critical and Audience Response

"Sort Of" has received critical acclaim for its nuanced portrayal of gender identity and its relatable and lovable characters. The show has been praised for its authentic representation of the LGBTQ+ community and its willingness to tackle complex themes in a thoughtful and sensitive way.

Audiences have also responded positively to "Sort Of". The show has gained a strong following on social media and has been praised for its ability to make viewers laugh, cry, and think. Many fans have expressed a desire for more episodes and are eagerly awaiting news of a potential second season.

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"Sort Of" is a Canadian television series that offers a nuanced and thoughtful portrayal of gender identity and the challenges that come with living outside of traditional societal norms. With its diverse and talented cast, commitment to exploring complex themes in a respectful and sensitive way, and ability to make audiences laugh and think, the show has become a critical and audience favorite. If you're looking for a show that's both entertaining and thought-provoking, "Sort Of" is definitely worth checking out.