South Side (2019)

"South Side" is a television series that premiered in 2019 on Comedy Central. The show is set in the South Side of Chicago and follows the lives of the employees of a rent-to-own store called Rent-T-Own. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of the show's plot, cast, and themes, and why it has become a critical and audience favorite.

Apr 30, 2023 - 07:32
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South Side (2019)

Plot Overview

"South Side" follows the lives of employees at Rent-T-Own, a rent-to-own store located in the predominantly African American community of Englewood on the South Side of Chicago. The show primarily focuses on the daily struggles of two employees, Simon James (played by Sultan Salahuddin) and Kareme Young (played by Kareme Young), who are best friends and roommates.

Throughout the series, Simon and Kareme navigate the challenges of working at Rent-T-Own, dealing with difficult customers and their eccentric boss, Boss Lady (played by Chandra Russell). They also face personal challenges such as relationships, money issues, and the pressures of living in a low-income community.


"South Side" features a talented and diverse cast of actors, including series creators Sultan Salahuddin and Kareme Young, who also play the lead roles of Simon and Kareme. Other notable cast members include Chandra Russell as Boss Lady, a tough and unconventional manager at Rent-T-Own, and Lil Rel Howery as Quincy, the owner of a fast-food restaurant next door to Rent-T-Own.


"South Side" tackles a variety of themes and issues relevant to life on the South Side of Chicago. One of the most prominent themes is the struggle of working-class individuals to make ends meet in a low-income community. The show also addresses issues of race, poverty, and systemic inequality, which are pervasive in many urban communities in America.

In addition to these heavier themes, "South Side" also excels in its ability to make audiences laugh. The show is filled with humorous and relatable moments, often taking jabs at common stereotypes about life on the South Side of Chicago.

Critical and Audience Response

Since its premiere in 2019, "South Side" has received critical acclaim for its unique take on life in a low-income community. The show has been praised for its diverse and talented cast, as well as its ability to tackle heavy themes while remaining lighthearted and entertaining.

Audiences have also responded positively to "South Side". The show has garnered a strong following on social media and has been praised for its relatable characters and hilarious moments. Many fans have expressed a desire for more episodes and are eagerly anticipating a potential third season.

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"South Side" is a television series that offers a unique and hilarious take on life in a low-income community on the South Side of Chicago. With its talented and diverse cast, commitment to tackling complex themes, and ability to make audiences laugh, the show has become a critical and audience favorite. If you're looking for a show that's both entertaining and thought-provoking, "South Side" is definitely worth checking out.