The first trailer for the series 'Moon Knight' about Marvel's superhero embodied...
Superhero fans will be delighted with a big surprise scheduled for next year. Ma...
Scarlett Johansson has received the American Cinematheque Award, presented annua...
In the post-credits scenes of ' Eternals ' we discovered that the Marvel had sec...
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar refuse to show the film "Eternals" until all the...
For those who don’t know, they had to buy the right to use music in movies and T...
Kit Harrington is best known for his role as John Snow in the Game of Thrones se...
Salma Hayek appeared in public with her daughter Valentina, whom we rarely get a...
The actor already knew how to fascinate the world with his muscles, but it seems...
Chris Hemsworth has completely changed his appearance since the onset of the cor...
Face your past, accept your destiny.
After two years of secrecy, Disney has revealed what exactly lies behind its Pro...
The American premiere is scheduled for December 17.
Marvel has created some of the greatest fictional superheroes of all time: Spide...
Regardless of the fact that the main role went to Scarlett Johansson, the absolu...
In a recent interview, Dave Bautista talked about how has his most prominent rol...