These films could not possibly be made today

The terror of political correctness or just the obsolescence of topics?

Jan 23, 2023 - 14:37
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These films could not possibly be made today

What is certain is that previous film hits, and for God's sake, classics would be impossible to record today. Once upon a time, something was understood as light entertainment, but now it has layers upon layers that can easily lead to a lawsuit or worse.


Many generations have grown up with this film and are unlikely to find it weird. However, there are some really weird components in the story from today's perspective. A 12-year-old boy becomes a man after a spell in an amusement park. After the first shock, he begins his adult life by getting a job.

However, it is still about a child in a man's body (Tom Hanks). When he meets a lady, it is obvious that he has had sexual intercourse with her. Despite the fact that there were no actual sex scenes in the film, it is still about something utterly wrong.

Regardless, by the end of the 1980s, it had become a major hit in theaters, and Tom Hanks had become America's favorite. From today's perspective, the eighties were very strange!


Even if one ignores the fact that the main character was played by Kevin Spacey, an actor who has been accused of sexual abuse on several occasions, this is a film that is still widely discussed today. Mena Suvari plays a married dad who deals with his midlife crisis by being obsessed with one of his teenage daughter's friends. He fantasizes about her naked body and imagines himself gratifying her in a rose-scented bathtub.

Nothing in the picture, not even the title, suggests that it is about something evil. As Spacey experiences a midlife crisis, the tale depicts his hardworking wife, Annette Bening, as callous and selfish. It would be impossible now for a picture like this to win an Oscar, as it did in 1999. Another unthinkable thing nowadays is that a picture like this receives its television debut before it hits theaters.


It is a very popular picture, a classic from the 1990s starring the top performers of the time. Because of the manipulative and bisexual writer Katherine Trammell, scenes of sex and violence would be scrutinized today, and gay rights campaigners accused the film of promoting misconceptions about LGBTQ people (Sharon Stone). The film, directed by Paul Verhoeven, would undoubtedly have faced numerous criticisms, and the sex scenes would not be the same now as they were in 1992.


Michael Douglas, it turns out, is the reigning champion of such titles. Because the man is the true victim of sexual harassment, this is a highly uncommon video. Douglas plays a married CEO who is abused by his new boss, Demi Moore. In this day and age, when the #MeToo movement is attempting to protect women and raise awareness of sexual and other sorts of abuse, a narrative about a guy in a position and being assaulted is unlikely to be favorably received.


Because the story is so engaging and attractive, this film might easily be done today. However, there is one intriguing aspect for which the same actors would very probably not appear. Catherine Zeta-Jones, 30, and Sean Connery, 69, feature in the picture, and love blossoms between them. The ludicrous age gap between the major players drew some eyebrows even back then, but it would have far more negative attention today.


The Farrelly brothers had a tremendous comedic career, but some of their films were not as well regarded today. The rom-com "Shallow Hal" is about a shallow man (Jack Black) who is entranced at one point and sees only a person's inner beauty. He eventually falls in love with Rosemary (Gwyneth Paltrow), who appears to be a gorgeous movie star in his eyes only. She weighs more than 130 kg.

Although it has many positive messages, there are numerous gags in the film that would be considered mocking today. Aside from Rosemary's (Gwyneth Paltrow) figure being depicted as something amusing, many criticize this early 2000s romantic comedy for the actress's use of a 'fat suit'.

Post by Bryan C.