Things you should NEVER tell to your boss
There are always things to keep to ourselves and regardless of all the freedom we have in communicating with our superiors, we don't need to say everything.

Even if you have the best boss in the world, if you ever think of saying something from this list, keep your mouth shut!
Honest communication between you and your boss is of great importance, starting from the interpersonal relationships we need to nurture, all the way to the professionalism that should accompany us in the workplace. However, there are always things to keep to ourselves and regardless of all the freedom we have in communicating with our superiors, we don't need to say everything.
You can be so close to your boss that you hang out privately, go to the same events, but you must not allow private life to dominate business. Honesty is always at stake, but like all rules, this one has an exception. There are a handful of things you don't need to tell your boss, and we will tell you the 10 most impressive ones.
1. I can't do that.
With this sentence, you will push all future projects away from you and let your boss know that you are not ready to embark on a new business challenge.
2. It is not in my job description.
No job is strictly defined and closed so that there is no space and no chance to get into something new. This makes you look like you are not flexible and that you do not think about the success of the company you work for.
3. I don't know.
Of course, you may not know the answer to every question, but you can certainly do your best to find out. Shrugging does not leave a good impression.
4. I'm not paid enough for it.
Similar to phrase number two, extremely unprofessional and unkind; it means you have no desire to try.
5. I have private problems, I am not in the mood for work today.
Private life must not affect business, that is the golden rule. Each of us has problems, but that is why we are professionals in our work and we try to leave it in our house as much as possible.
6. What do I get out of it?
Teamwork is something we learn back in school. If you are not a team player, your employer will definitely not like it because sometimes your job will include helping others.
7. I did my best.
If you made a mistake, and the main excuse for you is this sentence, it certainly doesn't say much about your abilities. It's better to say "I'll be better next time".
8. I can't work with him/her.
It is normal that not all people suit you and that you do not have a lot of friends in private, but at work that should not disturb you. If you are not able to rise above the situation and cooperate with people who do not like you privately, then that is not a good sign for your boss.
9. I'm bored.
You are paid to be productive and as dedicated as possible so that there is no room for boredom.
10. I have no solution for that.
Don't talk to your boss about a problem you didn't even bother to find a solution to. Only true leaders talk about solutions, everyone can talk about problems.