Think twice before using wooden spoons!

In the past, wooden cookers were a basic element of kitchen equipment. To this day, many like to use it because it does not damage dishes like metal

Jan 4, 2022 - 16:49
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Think twice before using wooden spoons!

In the past, wooden spoons were a basic element of kitchen equipment. To this day, many like to use it because it does not damage dishes like metal

Some even have wooden spoons from a few years or a few decades ago. And although we are advocates of nurturing tradition, in this case, we say no. And we advise you to replace the wooden spoon with a modern silicone one as soon as possible.

What's wrong with wooden spoons? They look nice, they don't scratch the pan, they are cheap and natural. Unfortunately, in addition to these advantages, they have one disadvantage that completely disqualifies them. If you can't throw them away, keep them as decorations. But you should never use wooden spoons again when cooking food.

Matt Preston, an Australian chef and judge on the Master Chef program, developed the "wooden spoon test". Allows you to determine if the item can still be used or thrown away.

The method he suggests is very simple, and all you need is a glass of warm water. Put a wooden spoon in it and leave for 20 minutes. When you return, you may be very surprised. And that's pretty negative.

The idea of ​​the Australian chef has now been recalled by one of the users of TikTok. She made a video in which she puts a wooden spoon in boiling water. "I wasn't ready for that" - he commented with disgust when she saw the effect.

This short video quickly went viral, garnering over a million likes, thousands of comments, and tens of thousands of shares. "My life will never be the same again," Internet users write.

The cup will contain contaminants that have been on the surface of the wooden spoon so far and are released into the food during cooking. Most people are shocked after this test. Especially those who think they clean kitchen utensils very thoroughly.

Now you understand why wooden kitchen utensils are not a good idea. It is much better to replace them with silicone. They are hygienic, heat-resistant, flexible, easy to wash, and will surely last you much longer. 

However, if you insist on keeping them here are a few tips on how to clean them.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions and means to keep wooden spoons clean.


When cleaning wooden utensils, using hot soapy water can help flush out bacteria. Another useful tip is to pour a large amount of coarse salt on top of a wooden spoon and to pass over it with half a lemon until it is completely dissolved.

Lemon will help remove odors, and in combination with salt, it will also remove stubborn stains. When finished, rinse the wooden utensils and cookware with cold water and allow them to dry.

Baking soda

Baking soda is an effective means of removing stains and odors from wooden surfaces. Sprinkle the items with baking soda, then drizzle a little lemon juice on top.

Scrub the stained area with a clean cloth before rinsing the cleaning solution. Leave the wooden objects that you cleaned this way to dry in the summer in the sun, in the winter at room temperature.

White vinegar

You can clean and disinfect wooden spoons with water and vinegar. Pour 1:10 water and vinegar into the spray bottle in favor of water, place wooden objects on a paper towel, and then spray with the solution you made.

Let the solution act for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water and leave the wooden utensils and cookware to dry.