Three great rules for losing weight!

Have you ever wondered why every diet you try fails after a while and why you never managed to lose as many pounds as you wanted?

Apr 14, 2022 - 17:58
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Three great rules for losing weight!

Have you ever wondered why every diet you try fails after a while and why you never managed to lose as many pounds as you wanted? Have you ever managed to lose a good part of your weight, but by the end you returned it and froze every second you dedicated to that goal?

Does the desire to "get moving" and to get rid of excess weight once and for all, come to your ideal weight, melt belly fat, and "tighten" it all nicely awaken in you again? If you have nodded in the affirmative to all three of the above claims then it will pay off to keep reading this article.

1. Start on time

If you are similar to most people, then you probably start losing weight abruptly every year before summer. Then you start to panic because you know that little can be achieved in less than a month. You still decide to try what is great but… once again you decide on one of the brutal diets and forbid yourself to eat everything you love. Of course, this is a very strict regime that is difficult to follow even with strong willpower, so you have no choice but to give up. The good news is that you are reading this in time and you will probably realize how much you can achieve if you start now.

2. Put hunger under control

I guess you’re saying something like this now, “Look at them, they want us to starve all day,” but first wait for us to explain to you what we mean by that. To lose weight we need to eat a little less food than usual, but again certainly not as little as many usually do when they start losing weight.

However, you need to learn to choose meals and foods that will satiate you. Protein is the macronutrient that is the most saturated, and in addition, it consumes the most calories for its digestion, so you will need to raise its intake a little. It is also good advice to eat as many vegetables as possible… In addition to many health benefits, vegetables have few calories and satiate us a lot. You will also suppress hunger if you sleep at least seven hours each night and drink at least two liters of water throughout the day.

3. Track progress and don’t give up

It often happens that many people give up losing weight very quickly precisely because they are not sure whether they are progressing or not. It must not happen to you that after the first "shock on the scales" you immediately start overeating with sweets and giving up. These sudden jumps on the scales are what frustrate many. This is nothing terrible and will always happen due to the different accumulation of water in the body. Sometimes you will eat a little more carbs and the scales will jump the next morning… sometimes you will eat a little more salty foods and the scales will jump… also expect a sudden jump during menstruation. There can be many reasons why this will happen to you and that is why it is important to monitor your progress in other ways.