What to eat (or not) when your stomach hurts?
When your stomach hurts, cramps, or you feel like you might vomit, the last thing you want to do is eat something that makes your condition worse.

It can be even harder to know what to do if you vomit or have diarrhea. But some foods can give you the nutrients you need without making you feel worse.
Start with liquids
Things like sports drinks, clear soup or coconut water contain minerals you need such as potassium, calcium, and sodium (salt).
Try bananas
They are easy to digest and have a lot of potassium - an important mineral that you can start to lose if you have diarrhea or you are vomiting.
Try rice
Make sure it is plain white rice. Wild, brown, or black rice - generally are healthy but they are harder to digest, especially on an upset stomach. Low-fiber starchy foods, such as white rice, can also help strengthen stools and stop diarrhea that can come with stomach upsets. Milk, cheese and ice cream are all no-no for an upset stomach. Your body finds them difficult to digest, in part because they are high in fat.
Try apple sauce
It is easy to digest and has a lot of nutrients, including pectin - a type of fiber that dissolves in water. It can increase your stool and help get rid of diarrhea.
Try Toast
A simple toast made of white bread is better than whole grains rich in fiber when you have an upset stomach. Whole grains have a type of fiber that is good when you are not sick, but it can make an unhappy stomach worse, especially if you have diarrhea or nausea.
Next steps
If that food stays, you can start shelling things like baked potatoes and maybe boneless and skinless chicken breasts. When you feel better and have not recovered or had diarrhea within 24 to 48 hours, you can try adding some fruits and vegetables.
Do not eat dairy products
Milk, cheese and ice cream are all no-no to an upset stomach. Your body finds them difficult to digest, in part because they are high in fat. Plain, low-fat yogurt can sometimes be fine, but start small and see how it goes.
Do not eat fried foods
They have a lot of oils and fats, so they are harder to digest. Fried foods are not great for you even when you are healthy, but they can make your already upset stomach worse.
Do not drink carbonated
Bubbles can be a problem because the gas reaches your digestive system. And if a lot of sugar hits you at once, it can make diarrhea worse. There's no faster way to get sugar into your bloodstream than to drink it.
Do not eat spicy foods
That's probably the last thing you want to have with an upset stomach, and there's a reason for it. Your digestive system may have to work harder to digest it, which can make your upset stomach worse.
Do not eat raw fruits and vegetables
They are great when you are healthy. But when you have an upset stomach, the fibers in them - which usually make it easier to excrete feces - can make things worse. It is best to wait until you feel better to return them to your diet.