What happened with Whoopi Goldberg's show?

Feb 2, 2022 - 08:04
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What happened with Whoopi Goldberg's show?

Holocaust claims

As we all know Whoopi Goldberg is a host on the ABC’s show called “The View.” Recently, she got suspended because of her statement that the Holocaust was not about racism.  Kim Godwin, the head of the news department, suspended Whoopi because of the horrible context in which some things about the Holocaust were aired on the show.

The apology

The actress apologized for her harming statement on the Monday’s “Late Show” and on the next show “The view.” However, the president of the ABC Network considered that it was not enough, and that the damage is done.

"It takes effect immediately - I suspend Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks for her misguided and damaging comments," Godwin commented on the official ABC’s Twitter account.

"Although Whoopi apologized, I asked her to take some time to reflect and understand the impact her statements could have. All ABC News employees are in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, families and communities."

There was a topic about the decision of a school in Tennessee, which wanted to exclude the story from the curriculum called “Mouse: Survivor’s Tale.” The story is about Nazis in the Second World War. Amongst all things that Whoopi commented on was her statement about the Holocaust itself. She claimed that the Holocaust is not related to the racism.

"It's about the supremacy of whites. They committed crimes against Jews and Roma," her colleague Ana Navarro commented and Goldberg replied "two groups of whites."

The reaction

Her opinion enraged Jonathan Greenblatt, the director of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. He said that the Holocaust was a horrible destruction of the Jewish people and that Nazis considered the Jews to be inferior race. He wrote the message on Twitter and that is how it all started.

Goldberg became aware of her statement and soon apologized to the Jewish people. She said that the Holocaust was inhumane thing done by humans. In her statement she emphasized that the Jewish people will always have her support and the place in her heart. She apologized deeply and she said she is sorry for the pain her statements caused.

For now it is not known when the show is going to be aired again, but one thing is for sure, Whoopi is suspended for two weeks and her apologies, for now, have fallen on deaf ears.