Why is my laptop running slow - Main reasons

Apr 15, 2022 - 19:32
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Why is my laptop running slow - Main reasons

It's possible that you just purchased your computer or that you've had it for a while. However, if the issue that inspired the title of this tutorial, why is my laptop slow, is on your mind, it is time to hunt for a solution.

In this section, we will discuss software-related reasons. Within each area, you'll discover links to useful resources as well as full explanations of each step.

There are many applications in the background

Even when you are not using them, background programs drain system resources. When a change occurs, Google Drive or OneDrive clients, for example, continue to run in order to sync files with the cloud.

You may not be able to uninstall all of these programs, but you should remove any that you are not using. Opening the task manager and checking the current processes is a useful technique to determine what is running in the background.

Many programs start with the operating system

Some applications are launched by the operating system. It is true that some are required. Using the preceding example, it is critical that apps such as OneDrive or Google Drive open automatically in order to begin file synchronization as soon as feasible.

Many of the programs that launch automatically, however, may not be relevant to you. In Windows 11 and Windows 10, it is preferable to eliminate startup apps.

Hard disk space is low

Having insufficient hard disk space has no effect on performance. Try using the system's built-in utilities to clear up space.

You open many tabs in the browser

Browser tabs should be avoided. If you are one of those Internet users that tends to have a lot of open sites, you might think about modifying your habits. Each tab you open on your computer uses a specific amount of RAM.

Furthermore, it is possible that the website in question is still running some process, such as playing a sound or a video. When you have a lot of pages open, the computer tends to slow down. Here are some pointers to help you avoid this problem.

Your computer has been infected with a virus

Malicious programs, viruses, or Trojans cause havoc on your computer's performance. Check out our guide to learn everything there is to know about viruses and how to get rid of them.

Power plan limits processor

Your laptop's performance may be slowed as a result of the power plan you've selected on your computer. Windows will occasionally reduce the processor's capabilities in order to improve energy efficiency. Learn how to alter this on your computer to get the most of your CPU.

Other settings to improve the performance of your laptop

There are other software options that will help you boost the performance of your machine.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Update to the latest version.
  • Disable system visual effects.
  • Expand RAM memory with software.

If you want to learn about them all, go read the page we wrote to assist you to improve performance with Windows 11.

It is possible that even after putting the strategies indicated above into action, you still have the same question in your mind: why is my laptop slow? In that instance, the causes of your computer's failure are most likely hardware-related.

RAM missing

Due to a lack of RAM, your computer is unable to perform multiple tasks at the same time. We said a few lines back that Windows 11 allows you to virtually enlarge your RAM.

In any case, physically increasing the entire quantity of RAM is the most effective method. Check to see if your computer can be upgraded with RAM, and then look at the best models on the market. The investment is unquestionably worthwhile.

The time has come to use an SSD

When it comes to getting the maximum performance out of your laptop, traditional hard drives (HDD) are not the ideal allies. As a result, think about replacing your old mechanical drive with a speedy SSD.

You don't know how to do it, do you? Here you will find all of the instructions for doing it yourself. Of course, before you begin, make sure that your laptop's hard disk can be replaced without too many issues. Of course, if your expertise is limited, we recommend that you see a professional.

The laptop does not meet the Windows requirements

Finally, another reason your laptop may be slow is that it does not fulfill Windows requirements. Microsoft has been very severe about this, and while there are ways to get around the limits, failing to meet the standards could be the reason your computer doesn't run at all.

There is no single answer to the question that many people ask themselves, namely, why is my laptop running slow. This post most likely has the solution to your computer's poor performance.

However, keep in mind that sometimes two or three factors combine to cause a decrease in the speed of the equipment. We recommend that you perform regular software maintenance. If it does not work, it is conceivable that the fault is with the hardware.