5 serious symptoms of lack of sleep
If you don't sleep more than 6 hours, you run the risk of increasing your blood pressure.

Many people think that dark circles are the worst consequence of insomnia. However, they are only the tip of the iceberg. We must not forget fatigue and sudden changes in mood, but also much more serious symptoms of lack of sleep, which we will talk about in the following lines...
Weakening of immunity
When we sleep, our body produces useful compounds such as cytokines, which play a major role in our body's fight against bacteria and viruses. Lack of sleep prevents optimal production of these substances and makes us more susceptible to various infections and diseases.
It is not uncommon for people who sleep little to have an increased appetite. This happens because when we are awake longer, our body produces less of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety, and more of the hormone ghrelin, which is associated with the feeling of hunger.
High blood pressure
If you don't sleep more than 6 hours, you run the risk of increasing your blood pressure. Sleep, namely, regulates the stress hormone, and when for some reason we do not sleep enough, our body's ability to control stress decreases, which leads to hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure.
Decreased fertility
Lack of sleep not only negatively affects our libido, but also significantly reduces fertility, both in men and women. It is for this reason that doctors recommend that we never sleep less than 7 hours.
Memory loss
This is a problem sometimes faced by people who do not sleep as much as they should. The good thing, however, is that there is a solution to this negative symptom of sleep deprivation. It is enough just to get your sleeping habits back to normal, and your ability to memorize will return to its previous level.
Post by: Rinna James